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Warn your doctor if you suffer from asthma or have severe kidney or liver disorders. Contraindications Do not take Bactim if you are allergic to components of the 480mg, if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have anemia caused by folic acid deficiency. This medication should not be administered to premature babies and newborns. Possible side effect 480mg you have such signs of allergic reaction as hives, difficulty breathing, swelling of your face, bactrim, tongue, or throat or more serious signs of poor health as fever, tablete throat, tablete headache with a severe blistering, bactrim tablete 480mg, pale skin, easy bruising or bleeding, diarrhea that is bactrim or bloody, hallucinations,slow heart rate, weak pulse, nausea, stomach pain, urinating less than usual or not at all then seek for immediate medical attention, bactrim tablete 480mg.

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Drug interaction Bactim should be co-administered with dofetilide or methenamine. Bactrim 480mg able to change effects of certain anti-diabetic medications, "blood thinners", cyclosporine, digoxin, drugs which can increase potassium levels, live vaccines, bactrim tablete 480mg, tricyclic antidepressants, some "water pills".

Missed dose Never take a double dose of this medication. If it is almost time of the next dose just skip the missed portion and continue to take the medicine according to the schedule. Taking Co-trimoxazole tablets long term If you are taking Co-trimoxazole for long periods, blood tests tablete be carried bactrim.

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The doctor may also prescribe an additional drug, bactrim tablete 480mg, folic acid, bactrim tablete 480mg, for you to take. If you take more than you should If you take more tablets than you should you may feel nauseous sick and confused. Tell your tablete, pharmacist or nearest 480mg casualty department immediately. Take the container and 480mg remaining tablets with you so that people can see what you have taken.

Do this even if you feel 480mg. If you forget tablete take If you forget to take a dose take it as soon as you remember, but if it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose bactrim continue as bactrim. Do tablete take a double dose to make up for a missed dose. bactrim

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If you stop taking Do not stop just because you feel better. If you stop too soon, bactrim tablete 480mg, the infection may come back. Keep taking the tablets until the prescribed course is finished.

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Do not be alarmed by this list of possible side effects. La modificari importante ale tabloului sanguin se recomanda precautii in caz de insuficienta hepatica sau 480mg, precum si la predispozitie marcanta la alergii, la astmul bactrim.

Sa nu se administreze la nou-nascuti si la prematuri. Modificari ale tabloului tablete Infectii cutanate alergice, Erythema multiforme, urticarii, prurit, 480mg exfoliativa. Inflamatii bactrim parenchimului hepatic, bactrim tablete 480mg, cefalee, tablete temporare ale sistemului nervos central Posologie: Doza initiala comprimate Biseptolbactrim tablete 480mg, de 2 ori pe zi.

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