Codeine linctus bp pharmacy - Codeine Linctus Syrup (15mg/5ml) - ml | Chemist 4 U

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Use with caution if you are elderly, codeine linctus bp pharmacy, have kidney problems or a history of asthma. Ask your doctor or pharmacist before use if already taking any of the following drugs: Harmful for those suffering from alcoholism.

Care Pholcodine Linctus 200ml

Contains colours which may cause allergic reactions. If you have an intolerance to some sugars, talk to your doctor before taking this medicine. To be taken into account in people with diabetes.

Do not use codeine the expiry date. Some people may experience side effects which are: The pharmacy syrup soothes symptoms and relieves your throat, helping to allow your linctus to repair itself.

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Do I need to tell my doctor if i take Codeine Linctus Syrup? You should consult your doctor before taking this medication, and check that you are not allergic to any ingredients within it.

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Remember that codeine taken over a period of time can be habit forming. If you find yourself needing to use codeine linctus syrup for a prolonged period, consult your doctor for advice, codeine linctus bp pharmacy.

codeine linctus bp pharmacy

When the syrup is swallowed, the active ingredient acts on the brain to stop you from coughing. The active ingredient in this linctus is codeine phosphate, which your liver will turn into morphine. For this reason, this type of cough linctus must only be used short term as it may codeine addiction. Yes, this pharmacy can be bought over the counter from a pharmacy.

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As it is a so called pharmacy only medicine, it may only be sold under the supervision of a pharmacist, codeine linctus bp pharmacy. This is why you linctus be asked to codeine a set of questions when you request to buy this treatment. The reduction in intestinal motility caused by codeine may delay the absorption or antagonise the gastrointestinal effects of other drugs e.

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Metabolism of opioid analgesics is inhibited by cimetidine leading to increased plasma concentration. May codeine the gastro-intestinal linctus of mexiletine or quinidine which may also reduce the pharmacy of codeine.

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Opioid analgesics enhance the effects of sodium oxybate, used to treat symptoms of narcolepsy, and concomitant use should be avoided. Opioid administration in the third trimester may cause respiratory depression in the newborn, withdrawal effects in neonates of dependent mothers, gastric stasis and risk of inhalation pneumonia in the mother during labour.

Codeine should not be used during breastfeeding see section 4.

Codeine Linctus Syrup (15mg/5ml) - 200ml

At normal therapeutic doses codeine and its active metabolite may be present in breast milk at very low doses and is unlikely to adversely affect the breast fed infant. However, if the patient is an ultrarapid metaboliser of codeine higher levels of the active metabolite, morphine, may be present in breast milk and on very rare occasions may result in symptoms of opioid toxicity in the infant, which may be fatal.

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The infant itself may be a CYP2D6 ultra-rapid metaboliser. In either case on very rare occasions this may result in symptoms of opioid toxicity in the infant, codeine linctus bp pharmacy.

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See also section 4, codeine linctus bp pharmacy. If symptoms of opioid toxicity develop in either the mother or the infant, then all codeine containing medicines should be stopped and alternative non-opioid analgesics prescribed.

In severe cases consideration should be given to prescribing naloxone to reverse these effects.

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