What is a claim in an argumentative essay yahoo - 9/11 argumentative essay? | Yahoo Answers
A history essay sometimes referred to as a thesis essay describes an argument or claim about one or more Each argument of argumentative essay should be.
Instead, include the opposing side as a counterclaim. Find out what the other side is saying and respond to it within your own argument. This is important so that the audience is not swayed by weak, but unrefuted, arguments.
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Including counterclaims allows you to find common ground with more of your readers. It also makes you look more credible because you appear to be knowledgeable about the entirety of the debate rather than just being biased or uninformed. You may want to include several counterclaims to show that you have thoroughly researched the topic. Hybrid cars are an effective strategy to fight pollution. Driving a private car is a typical citizen's most air polluting activity.
Examples of an Argumentative Essay
Because cars are the largest source of private, as opposed to industry produced, air pollution, switching to hybrid cars should have an impact on fighting pollution. Each vehicle produced is going to stay on the road for roughly 12 to 15 years. Cars generally have a long lifespan, meaning that a decision to switch to a hybrid car will make a long-term impact on pollution levels.
Hybrid cars combine a gasoline engine with a battery-powered electric motor.
Critical Thinking Claims vs Arguments
This combination of technologies means that argumentative pollution is produced. Instead of focusing on cars, which still encourages a culture of driving even if it cuts down la dissertation dialectique exemple pollution, the nation should focus on building and encouraging use of mass transit systems.
While mass transit is an environmentally sound claim that should be encouraged, it is not feasible in many rural and suburban areas, or for people who must commute to work; thus hybrid cars are a better solution for much of the nation's population. Persuasive essay middle school graphic organizer guide aqa english language a2 coursework word limit yearly english essay form 1 my family xbox one youtube essay potna videos, greg graffin phd dissertation pdf llc yellow journalism essay what american war reading nctj yahoo journalism coursework guidelines essay on the crucible by arthur miller youtube essay graphic organizer hamburger queen James: Help writing a personal statement Writing essay websites… essay essay intro template quote aqa history coursework ums Caleb: December 7, i need to sleep, i'll do my essay in another lifetime James: December 7, Still need to do my dbq and ap art history essays good essay ending words kindergarten dissertation structure template law practice test ap language argumentative essay tips que signifie etre soi meme dissertation histoire java coursework help london look.
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