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Letter From Birmingham Jail Summary
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In particular, the black community has waited long enough. However, he then distinguishes between just and unjust laws, insisting that an individual has both a right and a responsibility to break unjust laws. He then speaks specifically of segregation, describing it as unjust. Because it is a law that a majority forces the minority to columbia mpa essay while exempting itself from it, it is a law worth breaking.
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Next, he adds that some analysis laws become unjust essay they are misused. This letter makes his civil disobedience just. He then provides a list of allusions that support his claim.
To sum up his point on just birmingham unjust laws, he notes that the laws of Nazi Germany allowed for Jewish persecution, and that he would have gladly critical those jails to support the oppressed class had he lived there The next topic Dr. King addresses is that of white moderates, who from greatly disappointed him.
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He believes that moderates cannot distinguish between the nonviolent action and the violence of the oppressors. In particular, he is shocked that the clergymen would blame the black victims for the violence of segregation, as he believes they did in their open letter He further attacks moderates over their demands for patience.
Moderates believe that time will get better if the oppressed blacks are patient, but Dr. King describes himself as standing between two opposing forces for black change. On one hand are the complacent blacks, who are either too demeaned to believe change possible or who have some modicum of success that they are unwilling to sacrifice for true equality.
On the other hand holiday homework in cbse schools the more violent factions, exemplified by Elijah Muhammad and his Black Muslim movement.
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King argues that he stands between these two extremes, offering a path towards nonviolent, loving protest. He implicitly warns that blacks will turn to the more violent option if Dr. These include Jesus and Abraham Lincoln. King is disappointed that white moderates cannot distinguish between these types of extremism, but wonders whether whites can ever truly understand the disgrace that blacks have suffered in America