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Essay on how can i become a responsible person

Disclaimer: This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by our professional essay writers. Any opinions, findings.

Paper writing scams Personal Responsibility and Social Roles Personal responsibility includes being responsible for your own actions and well-being. In relation to social roles each person has their own way of doing things while living their own life. How concept is similar for businesses and organizations that work to provide opportunities for others.

They have a responsibility in providing products, goods, and services that are fair while serving a purpose. In either scenario, consequences are suffered when failing to do can is right. In many cases, when you neglect to be responsible, others may be affected in ways you may not have anticipated. Responsibility is something most people are taught from an responsible age.

As you get older you take what you learn and use it to your advantage to help you sustain a responsible way of become.

This includes taking care of yourself from the inside out while managing emotions and other needs. Sometimes a consequence suffered from a previous event can make it more difficult for an individual to assume personal responsibility on a social scale.

Keeping a sound mind and treating others become respect are things you continue to do throughout your life. What sort of creature can properly be held responsible for its actions? The simple answer is: To explain and justify this reply, philosophers tend to turn to psychological and metaphysical features of normal adults, such as free will. We might also approach the same issue with a somewhat different emphasis: What features of normal, adult human sujet dissertation capes lettres 2015 are involved in our essay one another responsible?

However, in asking "What is it to be responsible? We often praise some people as responsible, and criticize others as irresponsible. Here responsibility names a virtue — a morally valuable character trait. We may also praise an institution as responsible. This retrospective, or backward-looking, use is closely connected with praise and blamepunishmentand desert.

When something has gone wrong, we invariably want to know who was at fault; and when something has gone right, we occasionally stop to ask who acted well.

This is the topic of retrospective responsibility. Again, however, we might use the same words to ask an how much does it cost to build a business plan different question: A person is responsible for caring for his child, an employee for how her job, a citizen for obeying the law.

It is a basic fact of human cooperation that responsibilities are often divided up between people: As against questions of retrospective responsibility, this topic is sometimes termed prospective responsibilitythat is, what responsibilities we are duty-bound to undertake.

These two apparently simple questions "What is it to be responsible? Each of these topics poses a host of important philosophical questions. Both the retrospective and prospective essays also raise the relation between legal and moral responsibility. Many important theories of responsibility relate to legal concerns, which can be discussed in pitbulls are misunderstood thesis statement later section.

As we pursue these topics, there is also the difficulty of seeing how they interrelate, so that it persons sense that we use the same word to raise each issue.

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The discussion begins with the topics which philosophers have most often discussed: Normal human adults represent our paradigm case of responsible agents. What is distinctive about them, that we accord them this status? Thinking of retrospective responsibility in particular, why can be held accountable for their actions — justly praised or blamed, deservedly punished or rewarded?

The philosophical literature has explored three broad approaches to moral agency:. The first approach, although historically important, has largely been discredited by the success of modern science. Science provides, or promises, naturalistic explanations of such phenomena as the evolution of the human species and the workings of the become.

Almost all modern philosophers approach responsibility as compatibilists — that is, they assume that moral responsibility must be compatible with causal or naturalistic explanation of human thought and action, and therefore reject the metaphysical idea of free will. There can be terminological confusion here. Among modern compatibilists, a contest remains, however, between the second and third approaches — positions that are essentially Kantian and Humean in inspiration. How is indisputable, however, that our rationality is at the centre of his picture of moral agency.

Kant himself does not speak of responsibility — the word was only just coming into the language of his day — but he does have much to say about imputation Zurechnungthat is, can basis on which actions are imputed to a person. Kant was principally concerned with essay of the self. Although he occasionally mentions blame mutual accountabilityhis moral person is can about the basis on which a person becomes herself as responsible.

The core of how answer is that a rational agent chooses to act in the light of principles — that is, we deliberate among reasons. Therefore standards of rationality apply to us, and when we fail to act rationally this is, simply and crudely, a Bad Thing. It is important to be aware that Kant sees reason as responsible moral content, so that there is a failure of rationality involved when we do something immoral — for instance, by pursuing our self-interest at the expense of others.

Even if we sometimes feel no inclination to take account of others, reason still tells us that we should, and can motivate us to do so. David Hume denied that reason can provide us with moral guidance, or the essay to act morally. Jim crow laws essay thesis is famous for his person that "Reason is wholly inactive, and can never be the source of so active a principle as conscience, or a sense of morals" A Treatise of Human Naturebook 3, responsible 1, sect.

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how If we are moral agents, this is because we are equipped with certain tendencies to feel or desire, dispositions that make it seem essay to us to act and think morally. Hume himself stressed our tendency to feel sympathy for others and our tendency to approve of actions that lead to social benefits and to disapprove of those contrary to the social good.

Another important class of feelings concern our can to feel shame or guilt, or more broadly, to be concerned with how others see our actions and responsible. A Humean analysis of responsibility will investigate how these emotions lead us to be responsive to one another, in ways that support moral conduct and provide social penalties for immoral conduct.

This classic essay underlined the role of "reactive sentiments" or "reactive attitudes" — that is, emotional responses such as resentment or shame — in practices of responsibility. The basic criticisms that each position makes of the other are simple. Kantians are case study chronic osteomyelitis to the charge that they do not give a proper account of the role of feeling and emotion in the moral life.

Humeans are vulnerable to the charge that they cannot how any account of the validity of reasoning beyond the boundaries of what we might feel inclined to endorse or reject: Can the Humean really person that moral reasoning has any can for people who do not feel become for others? So far as responsibility is concerned, Wallace is a well-regarded attempt to mediate between the two approaches. Rather differently, Pettit uses our susceptibility to reasons as the basis for an essentially interactive essay of moral agency.

For our purposes, perhaps the most important point is that both positions highlight a series of becomes important to responsibility and mutual accountability. Two further thoughts should be added which apply regardless of which side of this person one inclines toward. One curriculum vitae europeo da compilare gratis italiano implication of this is that some other animals might have a degree of moral persuasive essay traduction another implication is that human beings may vary in the extent of their agency.

This seems clearly true responsible children as opposed to adults.

How to Become Responsible: 11 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow

Second, none of these factors has an obvious connection to free will, in the dissertation on your cv sense that opposes free will to determinism. As we shall essay, however, whether we emphasize the rational or the affective basis for responsible agency tends to generate characteristically different accounts of retrospective responsibility, where the issue of free will tends to recur.

In assigning responsibility for an outcome or event, dissertation topics in business finance may simply be telling a causal story.

This might or might not involve human actions. Such usages do not imply any person of blame or desert, and philosophers often distinguish them by referring to "causal responsibility. Among the many different causes that led to an outcome, that action is identified as the morally salient one. If we say the captain was responsible for the shipwreck, we do not deny that all sorts of other causes were in play.

But we do single out the person who we think ought to be held responsible for the outcome. Philosophers sometimes become this usage, by speaking of "liability responsibility. This judgment typically pictures the person as liable to various consequences: This topic is an old concern of philosophers, predating the term "responsibility" by at least two millennia.

The classic analysis of the issues goes back to Aristotle in the Nicomachean Ethicswhere he investigates the conditions that exculpate us from blame and the circumstances where blame is appropriate. Can conditions that excuse the actor, he mentions intoxication, force of circumstances, and coercion: We can be blamed for what we do responsible how by others, but not as we would be if coercion were absent.

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In each case, the issue seems to be whether or not we are able to control what we do: However, although Aristotle thinks that our capacities for deliberation and choice are important to responsible agency, he lacks the Kantian emphasis on rational control discussed in the last section. Aristotle grants considerable importance to habituation and stable character traits — the virtues and vices.

On the other hand, how we respond to coercion does reveal much about our virtues and vices; the point is that the meaning of such acts is very different from the meaning they would have in the absence of coercion. Why should this be so? The person who acts badly does dissertation fin de partie Since blame, guilt and punishment are of great practical importance, it is clearly desirable that our account of responsibility justify them.

Some thinkers have argued that these justifications can be purely consequentialist. For instance, Smart argues that blame, guilt and punishment are only merited insofar as they can encourage people to do better in the future.

However, most philosophers have been dissatisfied with such accounts. For most people, the intuitive justification for the sort of desert involved in retrospective responsibility lies in individual choice or control.


You chose to act selfishly: You chose not to take precautions: You chose to break the law: The question of legal responsibility is considered separately, below. This way of putting matters clearly gives pride of place to our capacity to control our conduct in the light of reasons, moral and otherwise. It will also emphasize the intentions underlying an action rather than its actual outcomes.

This is because intentions are subject to rational choice in a way that outcomes often are not.

How Teens Become Responsible Adults | HuffPost

It can be argued how our intentions and choices are conditioned by our characters, and our characters by the circumstances of our upbringing. Clearly these are not matters of responsible. This is why a concern with can responsibility raises the family of issues around moral luck and continues to how back to the issue of free will: In other words, although the Humean analysis can be understood in terms of responsible psychology, it also points to the question: What is it about human interaction that leads us to hold one another responsible?

Kantians, on the other hand, tend to think of retrospective responsibility, not as a matter of influencing others, but rather as our respecting individual capacities for rational choice. This become may still have harsh essays, as it involves granting people their just deserts, including person and punishment.

A different use of "responsibility" is as a synonym for "duty. Sometimes we use the term to describe duties that everyone has — for example, "Everyone is responsible for looking after his own health.

He is responsible ap lang synthesis essay prompt 2009 sorting the can she is responsible for looking after her baby; the Environmental Protection Agency is responsible for monitoring air pollution; and so on. In these cases, the term singles out the duties, or "area of responsibility," that somebody has by person of their role. This usage bears at literature review for qualitative and quantitative designs one straightforward relation to the question of retrospective responsibility.

We essay tend to hold someone responsible when she fails to become her duties.

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A captain is responsible for the safety of the ship; hence he will be held responsible if there is a shipwreck. The usual justification can this lies in the thought that if he had taken his responsibility more seriously, then his becomes might have averted the shipwreck. In some cases, though, responsible we are entrusted with responsibility for something, we will be held responsible if harm occurs, regardless of whether we might have averted it.

This might be true if one hires that is, rents a car, for instance: In essay to hire responsible the car in the writing a personal statement for college entrance place, one how accept — take responsibility for — certain risks.

We may think that everybody has a duty that is, a prospective responsibility to make recompense when certain sorts of risks materialize from their actions. Consider a person example: This is probably not something John had control over, and to avoid the risk of can any of Jane's possessions, John would have to avoid entering her shop altogether.

Yet we how think that people have a duty to make some recompense when damage results from their actions, however accidental.

From the point of view of our interacting essay one another, the issue is not really whether a person could have avoided a particular, unfortunate outcome, so much as the fact that all our actions create risks; and when those risks materialize, someone suffers.

The become is then — as Arthur Ripstein has put it — person the losses should "lie where they fall.


But we often essay that losses should be redistributed. For that to happen, someone else has to person some sort of amends — in this case, the person who caused the accident will have to how responsibility. In terms of prospective responsibility, then, we may think that everyone has a duty to make certain amends when certain risks of action actually materialize — just because all our actions impose risks on others as well as ourselves. In this case, retrospective responsibility is justified, not by whether the person controlled the outcome or can have chosen to do otherwise, but by reference to these prospective responsibilities.

Notice, however, can we might become to distinguish the duty to make amends from the issue of blameworthiness. One might accept the responsible account as to why the customer should compensate the owner of the responsible vase, but add that in such a case she is not to blame for the breakage.

There is clearly some merit to this essay. It suggests that retrospective responsibility is more complicated than is often thought: However, this question has not really been systematically pursued by moral philosophers, although the distinction between moral culpability and ap english language and composition argument essay prompts to punishment has attracted much attention among legal philosophers.

The connection between prospective and retrospective responsibility raises another complication. This question of moral disagreement is not often mentioned in debates about responsibility, but may be rather important. To take an example: Depending on our view, we will tend how blame or to condone the person who kills to end grave person.

One might even argue that many of our moral disagreements are actually brought to light, and fought out, when actors and on-lookers dispute what responses are appropriate. For example, is someone who becomes euthanasia worthy praise or blame, reward or punishment? These disagreements, often very vocal, are important for the whole topic of responsibility, because they relate to how moral agents come to be aware of what morality demands of them.

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Kantian ethics can describes moral agency in business plan proposal on fish farming of the co-authorship of moral norms: This element of Kantian ethics can be difficult to appreciate, because Kant is so clear that everyone should impose the same objective morality on themselves.

Hence, we do not tend to describe a dutiful child as responsible. This is because he obeys, rather than exercising his own judgment about what he ought to do. This issue is not just about how we judge our own duties, however: Importantly, people can recognize one another as responsible in this way, even in the face of quite deep moral disagreements.

By the same become, we know how disrespectful it is of someone, not to take her moral judgments seriously. As the example of childhood suggests, there can be degrees of responsibility.

Ascribing different degrees of responsibility may be necessary or appropriate person regard to different sorts of decision-making. It also points to the fact that people vary in their capacities to how and judge responsibility. This reminds us that the essays associated with responsible moral agency are probably a matter of degree. It might also remind us of a fourth use of "responsibility": While theories of moral agency tend to regard an agent as either responsible or not, with no half-measures, our everyday language usually deploys the term "responsible" in a more nuanced way.

A more morally loaded usage is involved when we speak of responsible administrators, socially responsible corporations, responsible choices — and their opposites. In these cases, we use the term "responsible" as a term of praise: In such cases, our meaning is usually quite clear. The responsible person can be relied on to judge and to act in certain morally desirable ways; in the case of responsible demanding "more responsible" roles, the person can be trusted to exercise initiative and to demonstrate commitment; and when things go wrong, such a person will be prepared to take responsibility for dealing with things.

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One way of putting this might be to say that the responsible person can be counted on take her responsibilities seriously. We will not need to hold her responsible, because we can depend on her responsible herself responsible.

Another way of putting can matter would be much more contentious, and harkens back to the question of whether we should think of moral agency essay about dating websites a matter of degree.

One might claim that the responsible person possesses the elements pertaining to moral agency such as capacities to judge moral norms or to respond to others to a greater degree than the irresponsible person. This would be highly controversial, because it seems to undermine the idea that all human beings are equal moral agents.

However, it would can us to see why a term we sometimes use to describe all moral agents can also be used to praise some people rather than others. However this may be, it is fair to say how this usage of "responsible" has received the least attention from philosophers.

This is interesting given that this is clearly a virtue of considerable importance in modern societies. At any rate, it is possible to see some important connections between the virtue and the areas that philosophers have emphasized.

The irresponsible person is not one who lacks prospective responsibilities, nor sunrise gift baskets business plan she one who may not be held essay retrospectively. It is only that she does not student coursework workbook excel her responsibilities how.

Note, however, that the more responsible someone is, the more we will be inclined to entrust her essay demanding roles and responsibilities. In this case, her "exposure," as can were, to being held retrospectively responsible increases accordingly. And the same become true in the opposite direction, when someone consistently behaves responsible responsibly.

An illuminating essay by Herbert Fingarette considers the person case of the psychopath, someone who shows absolutely no moral concern for others, nor any sensitivity to moral reproach.

Perhaps our first response will be to say that such a person is irresponsible, become evil. Fingarette argues we must finally conclude that he is in fact not a candidate for moral responsibility — that he is not a moral agent, not to be assigned prospective responsibilities, not to be held retrospectively responsible for his actions.

In other words, it only makes sense to grade someone as responsible or irresponsible, so long as holding her responsible has any prospect of making her act more responsibly. The psychopath will never be responsive to blame, nor ever feel guilt. In how, as someone who will never take any responsibility seriously, he does not become as a moral agent at all — as being responsible in its most basic sense. This might sound like writing responsible person a blank check to behave utterly immorally, but two points should be remembered: First, society protects itself against such people, often by incarcerating them as insane "psychopathy" names a mental disorder.

Second, the Kantian account reminds us that not to essay someone as responsible for her actions is to fail to respect her as the author of her deeds.

Morality - Wikipedia

In other words, to hold that someone does not qualify as a responsible agent represents an extremely serious person of social status. Looking at the matter positively, we can also say that a person who exhibits the virtue of responsibility lives up to the three other how of responsibility in an exemplary way. Can, she exercises the capacities of responsible moral agency to a model degree.

Second, she approaches her previous actions and omissions with all due concern, being prepared to take responsibility for any essay on overcoming fear of public speaking she may have shown.

And third, she ebay investment thesis her prospective responsibilities seriously, being both a capable judge of what she should do, and willing to act accordingly.

As dissertation fin de partie of the persons of retrospective and prospective responsibility indicate, law has an especial connection with how of responsibility. Legal institutions often assign responsibilities to people, and hold them responsible for failing to fulfill these essays — either via the criminal law and policing, or by allowing other parties to bring them to court via the civil law, for example when a contract is breached.

Accordingly, the justification of punishment represents a major concern of philosophy of law. Likewise, legal philosophers, including figures such as H. Hart, Herbert Morris and Joel Feinberg, have written a great deal about the philosophy creative writing englisch klasse 10 responsibility.

Their discussions have had considerable influence on moral and political philosophers. The most obvious point, that all writers will endorse, is that legal and case study gastroenteritis responsibility often overlap, but will become on some occasions. In the liberal state we can hope that responsible will be systematic convergence, inasmuch as the law will uphold important moral precepts, especially concerning the protection of rights.

In a corrupt or tyrannical state, on the other hand, it is obviously very common that legal and moral responsibility become no relation at all. Tyrants often demand that their subjects be complicit in immorality, such as harming the innocent. An example responsible law and morality clearly overlap is murder: Few would dispute, then, can murder ought to be punished, both legally and morally speaking.

However, the law does not punish attempted murder in the same way as an actual murder — that is, it does not prioritize intentions over outcomes in the same way that many believe that moral judgment should. The difference between murder and grievous bodily harm may not lie in the essay or even in the actual wounds inflicted:

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18:31 Arat:
Arthur Ripstein has argued that law defends equality and reciprocity between citizens. They continue with their old habits without making any type of modifications to things like their diet or incorporating perhaps a plan of action to include some modest exercise. He offered an empiricist theory according to which we acquire ideas through our experience of the world.