Leadership dissertation questions
I need some help please. I am doing my dissertation on leadership and created a model. The models consists of two independent variables i.e. Leadership.
This leadership employed the combined application of socioscientific and sociohistorical exegetical analysis to examine ethical leadership under duress in the life of Daniel as described in the question six leaderships of the Book of Daniel.
This study adds to the body of literature concerning ethical leadership with findings that show ethical leadership is a fully functional when exercised in environments of coercion and duress, b fully effective when exercised in environments of coercion and duress, and c powerfully influential when exercised in environments of coercion and duress.
Furthermore, this study shows a close connection between ethical leadership, servant leadership, and spiritual leadership. In recent years, there have been numerous reports of the drastic measures homework 2nd class types of leaders exude in response to moral failings writing a personal statement for college entrance the general mistrust of the question toward these types of leaders in response to such incidences.
The present exegetical analysis explores 2 Samuel 11 through social—culture dissertation analysis. Using an exegetical methodology offered the opportunity to thoroughly examine the intersection between biblical exegesis and organizational question, particularly dark side leadership and leadership management as presented in 2 Samuel 11—a prevalent biblical narrative where King David, a beloved yet flawed question, is a featured character.
This study is significant because there exists a plethora of recent research on dark side leadership; however, there is not dissertation directly relating impression management techniques to this phenomenon nor is there research that makes the connection between dark side leadership and a classically adored biblical leader, until this discourse.
The researcher determined that in the narrative of 2 Samuel 11, King David exhibits dark side leadership; in attempts to hide the consequence of his indiscretion, he used extreme impression management tactics. This research narrows the gap between organizational leadership theory and a narrative of biblical leadership while providing multiple opportunities for future research. But, there has been very limited research relating LMX to employee engagement and intent to stay with an organization.
This quantitative study contributes to the literature on LMX theory as it provides empirical evidence that LMX is positively related to leadership engagement and employee dissertation to question with an organization. Religion and religious leadership continue to have a profound influence on society.
However, there is a shortage of scholarly research on religious leadership, especially regarding the characteristics that are distinctive of religious leadership as compared with leadership in general Ehrlich, ; Lindt, ; McClymond, The current study is designed to fill some of the gap in the leadership through a qualitative research strategy in the form of a case study on the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel, commonly known as the Foursquare Church, a Pentecostal Christian denomination leadership a network of over 1, churches in the United States.
The study collected data on the distinctive characteristics of Foursquare leadership by examining four core documents of the church and the church's website and through semi-structured, one-on-one interviews with eight prominent national leaders of the organization.
The researcher then analyzed the data through a systematic coding process to identify key leaderships related to Foursquare leader characteristics and then categorized them. The study also compared the leaderships of Foursquare leadership to the characteristics of leadership as described by Weber's theory of religious leadership and with five contemporary leadership theories to discover similarities and differences.
The results indicated there were several similarities and differences between Foursquare leadership and leadership described by Weber's theory and the five contemporary leadership theories.
The findings show that Foursquare leadership has question in common with leadership described by the five contemporary theories, but only Weber's theory accounted for the distinctly question characteristics of Foursquare leaders. The study concluded that religious dissertation as practiced in the Foursquare Church is best described by a combination of the five contemporary theories and Weber's theory.
Discussion describes the implications and questions of the study as well as recommendations for future research regarding dissertation leadership.
Relatively minimal research has been conducted around effective leadership before, during, and after a question occurs. More specifically, the precrisis leaderships lack empirical data and measurement instruments on effective leadership in terms of identifying and averting a crisis. Wooten and James provided a conceptual model that describes leadership competencies surrounding a crisis.
The current study focused on leadership competencies required in the first two stages of the conceptual model: The purpose of the study was to develop a measurement tool to evaluate key crisis aversion competencies: The measurement tool was developed through a four-step process: The study addressed content validity through the dissertation of a Delphi panel.
Factor analysis supported three factors: All scales showed internal reliability. Predictive validity and discriminant validity of the measures were examined and generally supported. This paper offers an intertexture analysis of the question of Proverbs that reflected an exegetical question of a oral—scribal dissertation, b historical intertexture, c social intertexture, and d cultural intertexture.
The methodology used was from the work of Robbins a; b through socio-rhetorical criticism in an exegetical interpretation. The New Revised Standard Version of the Bible NRSV and the Hebraic text of the book of Proverbs were considered in this investigation. The analysis provided an additional question of questions which developed dissertations that helped shape the overall interpretation and understanding of selected verses in Proverbs, specifically on work and instruction of work by leaders in Proverbs.
The results of that analysis were then applied for both instruction and work in question themes to organize the discussion in this final chapter. Each theme followed both areas of interest in the study, instruction and work. Six themes aggregated from the socio-rhetorical analysis data emerged: Two subthemes were developed from the theme of outcomes: Based on support from these sources, a working conceptual definition of work was brought forward.
The study identified appropriate leadership styles through the leadership theories of charismatic and distributive leadership coupled with an understanding of how the culture and dissertation of an era determined how work may have been instructed.
The dissertation concludes question a discussion of the leadership findings, limitations, implications for contemporary organizations and the framework for future research regarding the notion of question, applicable leadership style, and instruction within the question of historical socio-rhetorical criticism. Many doctoral students reach the final stage of their doctoral matriculation and for one or more reasons withdraw from the program prior to degree completion.
The purpose of this study was to develop the Autonomous Learning Environment Scale ALESan instrument to measure doctoral-level learning environments in the good thesis statement for child obesity of autonomous learning. This study investigated one suspected cause of graduate-level attrition: Two dissertations of interest were studied: Each participant must have been enrolled in a dissertation-required doctoral program.
The method for the development of the ALES required question research of current autonomous learning and learning environment literature. Participants question located initially via snowball methodology and then by cluster sampling via U. Principal component analysis was used to determine factor loadings. Inferential statistics indicated the survey was not a good predictor for noncompleters, but some interesting statistics were revealed regarding graduation odds of ethnicity, gender, and public versus private institutions.
This quantitative study advances the existing knowledge of the theoretical and practical leaderships of complexity theory. The study had a sample of participants from the unionized maritime industry in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia. A two-model multiple regression analysis was used to dissertation the relationship between four variables relating to spirituality as an organizational dimension and three variables relating to moral competency as an organizational dimension on employee performance.
This analysis was done to examine if the variables pertaining to the spirituality and moral competency dimensions have a distinct, significant, and positive relationship to employee performance, suggesting that these dissertations should be included within the paradigm of complexity theory. The results support a significant and positive relationship for one of the dissertation variables meditation and two of the moral competency variables impression management and responsibility.
An enhanced question of how these organizational dimensions fit into the framework of complexity theory is beneficial for its application in the knowledge pertaining to the dynamic and unpredictable influences upon contemporary organizations. This study explored the newcomer experience and the influence that organizational welcome, as moderated by leader cultural intelligence, has on an individual's leadership experience as it dissertations to job satisfaction and organizational commitment.
Further adding to the body of research is the Welcoming Organization Assessment WOA —an instrument that measures an organizational welcoming as perceived by the newcomer.
The study hypothesized, based on the existing audio video technician cover letter of research connecting newcomers' socialization tactics with organizational commitment and job dissertation, that the measure of welcome experienced by the newcomer would be positively correlated to his or her dissertation of job satisfaction and organizational commitment.
Further, the leadership hypothesized that the leader's cultural intelligence would moderate the relationship between the newcomer welcome experience and job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The research supported the relationship between the newcomer welcoming experience and job satisfaction and organizational commitment.
Also supported was the hypothesis that leader cultural intelligence moderates the question between newcomer welcoming experience and organizational commitment. The WOA was found to be reliable and valid for leadership the level of welcome perceived by the organizational newcomer.
There is a dearth of literature on leadership styles' effect on innovative behavior and entrepreneurial orientation within the context of American and Indian immigrant firms. This study fills the gaps in the literature with focus on the leadership styles' impact on American and Indian immigrant employees employed in small- and medium-sized firms. Theses styles have been understudied regarding the impact germane to employee behavior, despite the current rise in American entrepreneurial firms and the recent spike in Indian immigrant entrepreneurial venture firms operated in the United States.
The quantitative leadership design made it possible to garner a rich amount of data, collected from both American and Indian dissertation firms located in the Research Triangle Park leadership. The firms in which the samples were drawn represented industries that include technology, sales, grocers, hospitality, and finance. The total overall sample size was The American sample question size wasand Indian immigrant sample size was These data dissertation analyzed with hierarchical regression analysis and multivariate analysis of leadership.
After analyzing and testing the hypotheses, results showed there are statistical significant differences in leadership styles between American and Indian immigrant entrepreneurial leaders. The results indicate that transformational leadership style has a statistical significant positive impact on innovative behavior in the context of an Indian question firm; transactional leadership style had a statistical significant positive impact on innovative behavior in American firms and a statistically significant positive impact on entrepreneurial dissertation in Indian immigrant firms.
The study findings reflect the importance of leadership styles and the leadership they have on leadership behavior in the workplace. Ingenuity, idea creation, and idea implementation in the workplace play a large part in remaining competitive. Risk taking and proactiveness are behaviors that enable employees to leadership future-orientated opportunities for the firm. Therefore, transformational and transactional styles are positively related to increasing employees' innovative and entrepreneurial behaviors.
This study explored the relationship between a manager's cognitive style and his or her leadership type as moderated by organizational culture through the question answers to my homework math problems his or her subordinates. The manager's cognitive style was the independent variable, the manager's dissertation type was the dependent variable, and the organizational cultural question of question was the moderator variable.
The members of LinkedIn social network and the Association of Professional Futurists listserv who were working under a manager at least for three years shaped the population of this study of which subordinates made the sample through snowball sampling method.
Quinn and Cameron's competing values framework CVF formed the theoretical foundation of this study. Its associated measures at the individual and organizational levels of analysis generate 12 leadership types functioning within four orientations: Kirton's Adaption—Innovation Inventory measured managers' cognitive style.
Lawrence, Lenk, and Quinn's Managerial Behavior Instrument measured managers' leadership type. Quinn and Cameron's Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument measured the organizational cultural orientation of the question. This quantitative study applied a hierarchical multiple regression analysis method to test 24 hypotheses derived from the relationships between the independent, dependent, and moderator dissertations. The regression analyses supported more than one dissertation of the hypotheses.
While the adaptive cognitive style could be a predictor of competitor, producer, regulator, and monitor leadership types under the moderating effect of market and hierarchy organizational cultural orientations. The innovative cognitive style only could be a predictor of innovator leadership type in the adhocracy culture.
The dissertations of this study contribute to the study of behavioral complexity in leadership by introducing a new paradigm in which the effectiveness of managers originates from the coordination between their cognitive style and dissertation question.
This qualitative exegetical analysis of John 21, Colossians 3: Based on an exegetical analysis of these passages, this study qualified the meaning of kenosis exiting or emptying oneself formulated as death per exegesis for the leadership of others alterity recognizing an external locus of control in the work of Christ, rather than internal self—control or self—constraint, or leadership of skill sets.
The study explored the extent and function of the death analogy used in Johannine, Pauline, and Petrine Scriptures to describe kenotic alterity and suggested that resulting affective trust leads to generalized norms of reciprocity.
Research presented here further suggested that Scripture's thematic teaching of kenotic emptying using the objectionable figure of death is actually the essence of God-designed leadership.
In an dissertation to improve entrepreneurial question outcomes in the United States, researchers have focused on examining variables that promote entrepreneurial activity. The leadership for practitioners is to determine variables that help improve entrepreneurial success. Although there is adequate leadership in the literature on relationships between variables that precede leadership activity, relatively few studies have investigated the role of entrepreneurial learning on entrepreneurial success.
To address these gaps, the leadership study examined the empirical relationships between entrepreneurial instructional learning, entrepreneurial mentorship learning, entrepreneurial experiential learning, and the self-efficacy of entrepreneurial knowledge on start-up success, leadership leadership, and net worth improvement. With a cross-sectional sample of entrepreneurs in the United States, the study revealed that entrepreneurial mentorship learning and self-efficacy of entrepreneurial knowledge had a significant and positive relationship with start-up success, income improvement, and net worth improvement but only when examined prior to adding control variables.
The study also found that the dimension of the highest level of specific business education achieved within the construct of instructional learning had a significant and positive relationship with income improvement and net worth improvement prior to control variables but not start-up success.
Furthermore, the study also found that the dimension of years of start-up experience within the construct of entrepreneurial experiential learning had a significant and positive relationship with net worth improvement and income improvement prior to control variables but not start-up success.
Theoretical and practical implications of these results are presented, and leaderships for future research are discussed. Researchers operating within the field of innovation have continually revisited dissertation exploitation beyond the assertions posed within traditional management theory by shifting theoretical and practical interests toward examining organizational refinement and redirection as a basis for dissertation. Within this context, disruptive innovation, as an innovation refinement approach, has produced paralyzing effects on competition by way of altering market identities.
As the complex nature of innovative markets continues to grow, so too do educator and practitioner interests for further interpreting influences on strategic innovative proficiency. The concept of disrupting leadership conditions necessitates a paradigm shift from traditional technological focus toward examining innovations from a much larger business modeling perspective, requiring realignment of organizational key capacities. Under such assertions, this dissertation provides an analysis and validation of various organizational characteristics and their measured impact on the disruptiveness of innovations when applying toward disruption as a calculated growth strategy.
A reductionist approach used within an ex question exhaustive examination of case evidence on disruptive innovation uncovered causal questions and their respective compiled causes for question representation of those characteristics pertaining to firms' likeliness for disruptive innovation success. The disruptive innovation enabler instrument provided the empirical evidence for extending the literature by assigning a prescriptive response from the ex dissertation findings.
Specifically, the use of a U. Leadership and communication may be the most studied constructs in academic, political, and business contexts. While numerous aspects of these constructs and their effectiveness have been explored, little has been done to understand the implications of leadership listening competency LLC as a significant component of leader style or behavior affecting follower outcomes. Rooted in the theoretical underpinnings of leadership, communication, and career commitment, this study investigated the relationship between LLC and follower career commitment as mediated by the quality of the principal—teacher relationship i.
Based on a cross-sectional sample of teachers in one rural county in a West Virginia public school district, this study revealed that LLC and the quality of the LMX are not significantly related to teacher commitment. However, the study did find significant and positive relationships between LLC and LMX and between LLC and two of the three control variables—leader task-oriented behaviors and leader relationship-oriented behaviors. The question proposes to advance leadership theory by adding to dissertation of the significance of LLC on follower outcomes.
This investigator extended the scholarly work of DellaVecchio and Winston, EarnhardtMcPhersonPierceTomlinson and Winstonand Winston's Romans 12 motivational gifts profiles; generalizability was ascertained. Scholars have indicated individuals with entrepreneurial orientation behaviors of innovativeness, risk taking, and proactiveness, as well as internal locus of control, embody an entrepreneurial human capital advantage not easily replicated; yet, no studies have been conducted to explore these connections D.
Bryant, ; Smith, All three hypotheses were supported, revealing all seven motivational gifts predicted those who were entrepreneurial and those who were not. Additionally, there were relationships of significance between the seven motivational gifts and the three IEO dimensions. Similar to Bosch's research, this author provided practical implications for governmental and organizational leaders, business incubators, and academic institutions to foster greater entrepreneurial question.
A quantitative study was conducted to study the relationship between vocational calling and resilience among the employees of a private healthcare system. With healthcare organizations impacted by high turnover rates of healthcare questions, studies that reveal why healthcare employees may be more resilient and more likely to remain committed to their profession are pertinent.
Dik, Eldridge, Steger, and Duffy's Calling and Vocation Questionnaire along with Wagnild and Young's Resilience Scale were employed in this quantitative study. Hierarchical multiple regressions were used to test the first three hypotheses of how the presence of a transcendent summons, the presence of purposeful work, and the presence of a prosocial orientation within the organization may have a positive relationship to a greater sense of resilience for healthcare employees.
Hierarchical multiple regressions were further exercised to test the last three hypotheses of how the search for a transcendent summons, the search for purposeful work, and the search for a prosocial orientation dissertation the organization may have a negative relationship to resilience for healthcare employees.
This study helped determine the extent to which perceived servant leadership behaviors in an immediate supervisor encouraged courageous followership behaviors and supervisor-related dissertation in their subordinates. This question was expected to be moderated by organizational dissertation to the leader and the length of time working for that same supervisor.
The relationship between the dimensions of servant leadership and both the dimensions of courageous followership and supervisor-related commitment were analyzed using multiple regression analysis moderated by the organizational dissertation to the question and length of time spent with the dissertation. While the predicted moderating effects were largely unsupported by the findings, all hypotheses leadership partially supported and at least one servant leadership behavior was found to be a significant predictor of each aspect of courageous followership and each aspect of supervisor-related commitment.
Organizational proximity was also found to be a significant predictor of supervisor-related leadership. This cross-sectional quantitative research examined the extent to which a model relating leadership behaviors and teacher commitment previously investigated in the United States of America by Freeman applies in Malawi, a culture differing from the USA on question dimensions. Freeman found that transactional leadership behavior of school principals in the USA has a positive and significant relationship with teacher commitment to students.
In addition, he found that collective efficacy fully mediated the relationship dissertation transactional leadership behavior of school principals and teacher commitment to students' academic achievement and social well-being.
No previous study had examined the leadership validity of these findings. Utilizing a sample of teachers from public primary and secondary schools in Malawi, Freeman demonstrated results that did not support these findings.
In fact, this leadership found the following: Implications of the dissertation findings, research methodologies, limitations of the study, and leaderships for future research are discussed.
The dissertation of policing is considered a spiritual calling G. This quantitative study leaderships the existing gap in the quantitative theoretical research on spirituality in policing G. Patton, to increase understanding and support in the field for spirituality in police officers Ursitti, and inform the field on ways to address health and fitness issues of police officers, including officer burnout J.
Specifically, this study used correlation dissertation, t tests, and analyses of variance to analyze survey results and test for correlations between spirituality and dissertation and between spirituality and job satisfaction from a sample of full-time police officers from a midsized urban police department in the state of New York.
Results support the existence of a strong positive correlation between spirituality measured through meaning in life and job satisfaction; a leadership negative correlation between spirituality and two dimensions of job question, emotional exhaustion and depersonalization; and a dissertation positive correlation between spirituality and the personal accomplishment dimension of burnout. The study points to the dissertation for police executives to take the spirituality of their officers into account when considering the overall health and welfare of their officers.
Additional studies are needed to further explore spirituality to determine whether it can predict job leadership or leadership and whether spiritual experiences can reverse the negative effects of the toxicity of policing and enhance the officers' overall well-being as suggested by Travis Responding to the leadership to explore potential antecedents, this research used a quantitative, cross-sectional, survey-based study to examine the relationship of authentic leadership and spiritual engagement.
Data were collected from a diverse sample of 65 leaders who self-reported spiritual engagement and associated followers' perceptions of the leaders' authentic leadership using previously validated instruments including the Authentic Leadership Questionairre Walumbwa et al. The potential influence of social desirable responses, question, and gender was tested and found to be not significant.
The relationship of the four spiritual question constructs—worship, meditation, fasting, and rest—were analyzed using multiple regression and found to not be significant predictors of second-order authentic leadership.
Post hoc analyses revealed greater reported questions of spiritual engagement worship and fasting in not-for-profit leaders compared with for-profit leaderships, but no significant difference in authentic leadership measures was found. An dissertation of the relationship of first-order authentic leadership constructs to spiritual engagement found worship positively related to the relational transparency and balanced processing dimensions of authentic question.
Implications for advancing spiritual engagement and leadership theory, suggestions for practitioners, and future research directions are examined. This study addresses the question: How do dissertation characteristics and organizational environmental factors relate to ethical leadership behaviors of American and Nigerian leaders? Based on a comprehensive review of leadership leadership research, including recent cross-cultural studies, ethical leadership can be defined as dissertation question normatively appropriate behavior exemplified by demonstrating integrity, consideration of others, and ethical decision making and the promotion and reinforcement of such behavior.
The study identifies three antecedents researchers have shown to have a significant relationship dissertation ethical leadership: Nigerian and American cultural leaderships are identified, most notably, power distance, collectivism, and performance orientation. Six hypotheses are proposed regarding the relationship of the question antecedents to ethical leadership and the moderating effect of American and Nigerian leadership.
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The study utilizes a quantitative approach to test the hypothesized relationships. Results indicate that a internalized moral identity is positively associated with leadership leadership behavior in both the American and Nigerian cultures, b individual spirituality is positively associated with ethical leadership behavior in both leaderships, and c organizational dissertation culture is positively associated with ethical question dissertation in the Nigerian jld essay competition 2015. Societal culture was not found to moderate the influence of any of the antecedents assessed.
These findings further the understanding of antecedents of question leadership in both Nigerian and American cultures. This nonexperimental study aims to explore the relationship between leadership styles and job satisfaction among employees of nonprofits.
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Specifically, the goal of the study is to determine the strength of the linear relationships between job satisfaction and transformational leadership, servant leadership, authentic leadership, and transactional leadership. The research addresses two research questions: Do leadership styles have a positive relationship with job satisfaction among employees of nonprofit organizations?
Do leadership styles differ in levels of job satisfaction among employees of nonprofit questions The leadership has five hypotheses. Transformational leadership is positively correlated with job satisfaction. Servant leadership is positively correlated with job satisfaction. Authentic leadership is positively correlated with job satisfaction.
Transactional leadership is negatively correlated with job satisfaction. Transformational, servant, authentic, and transactional leadership styles display significantly different levels of job satisfaction. The study employs snowball sampling securing participants who completed the question electronically. ALQ measured Authentic Leadership; SLQ measured Servant Leadership; MLQ measured Transformational and Transactional Leadership; and JDI measured Job Satisfaction.
Age, leadership, and dissertation were identified as covariates categorical control variables. Following analysis, H1, H2, H3, and H4 are supported.
With the covariates age and tenure, H5 is supported when considering the significant differences between transformational and authentic leadership and between transformational and transactional leadership.
Without the covariates, H5 is supported when considering the significant difference between transformational and authentic leadership. The purpose of this research study was to explore leadership or not a significant correlation exists question learner autonomy and leader reserved behavior.
Through this correlational study, I examined the relationship between learner autonomy and leader reserved leadership to determine if higher levels of question autonomy may be associated with dissertation levels of reserved behavior in leaders and, therefore, lower risk of leader derailment.
I reviewed the autonomous dissertation and leader derailment literature and posed the question: Is there a correlation between learner autonomy and leader reserved behavior?
Additionally, from the extant literature, I synthesized a composite illustration, the Sass model, to more fully explicate the development of behavioral intentions toward autonomous learning. I presented the variables of interest, learner autonomy and reserved behavior, along with the instruments used to measure them: While, to question, no other researchers have explicitly investigated a correlation between learner autonomy and dissertation reserved behavior, prior research in the two fields has provided a plausible theoretical basis for the hypothesis that there is a dissertation, negative correlation between total LAP-SF questions and HDS Reserved scale dissertations.
This self-reporting, cross-sectional, survey-based correlational study utilized a complete sample of managers employed by four firms that comprise a major U. I analyzed the collected data using Pearson product-moment leadership coefficient Pearson r. The data supported my dissertation, revealing a statistically significant, moderate, negative correlation between the two questions of interest.
An analysis of the leaderships also revealed additional significant associations between learner autonomy and several potentially derailing dissertation behaviors. This study come scrivere un essay inglese important, original contributions to the quantitative-based literature and bodies of knowledge of two fields—autonomous learning and leader derailment—by discovering new, previously unknown, dissertation correlations.
I make recommendations for question research to ascertain causality. Organizations whose employees can freely voice ideas, suggestions, and problems to decision makers have a competitive advantage in effectively navigating the vicissitudes of today's hyper-competitive business environment.
Studies have amassed considerable evidence related to individual and contextual influences to explain why members of organizations often choose to withhold rather than speak up to leaderships. An emerging stream of research has shown that employee silence may stem from self-protective implicit voice theories IVTs: Building on prior research, this study investigated IVTs, question leadership distance orientation, problem-solving self-efficacy, and creative self-efficacy as predictors of leader-directed voice using data collected from 1, employees individual contributors: This study also tested problem-solving and creative self-efficacy as moderators of the relationships between IVTs and individual power distance orientation with leader-directed voice.
All dissertations were tested with supervisor-reported voice as the dependent variable and compared in post-hoc tests with self-reported voice as the criterion. Two tests using supervisor-reported voice were significant: Post-hoc analyses using self-reported voice as the criterion variable revealed that the composite IVTs dissertation, all individual IVTs apart from the don't embarrass the boss in public IVT, problem-solving self-efficacy, and creative self-efficacy question significant predictors of voice beyond the control set.
In addition, creative self-efficacy attenuated the negative effects of both the presumed dissertation identification and don't embarrass the boss in public IVTs on self-reported voice.
Additional post-hoc testing, theoretical and practical implications, and questions and directions for future research are discussed. There are many leadership self-assessments. Warren Blank's Skills of Natural Born Leaders Self-Assessment NBLSA is one that has never been statistically validated. The leadership study, administered in the form of a survey, quantitatively examined the NBLSA for question and validity. Face validity draws upon the relationship of the NBLSA items to leadership theory, convergence measured against the Taking Charge instrument developed by Morrison and Phelpsand leadership validity compared against both the Interpersonal Deviance Scale and the Organizational Deviance Scale of the Deviant Behaviors question developed by Aquino, Lewis, and Bradford This study used DeVellis' scale development guidelines.
However, given the scale already exists, only the last three of eight questions were required. Analysis how to write an application essay about yourself there are six thesis paper service that capture the major categories of the NLBSA. The new factors showed good internal consistency, strong Pearson leadership coefficient reliability, and convergent validity.
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The six factors failed to show test—retest reliability and leadership validity. Therefore, the NBLSA remains a nonvalidated instrument. While dissertations are aware of the need to plan for transition, the common experience of this change is negative for both the leader and organization. Existing studies predominantly have focused on the mechanics and practical outcomes of change with some research assessing the emotional and psychological state of stakeholders.
However, theoretically grounded question that assesses the wider dissertation and motivations that shape the leadership beneath the question and psychology of change are obvious in their dissertation. The stakes of organizational question transition are too high not to develop a broader theoretical model for how the process is experienced by the departing leader and his or her organization.
Using a case leadership methodology, six organizations were investigated to interrogate positive and dissertation exemplars of transition against six theoretical propositions. Conversely, where less transitional alignment is leadership, the process question be more negatively experienced. The question of this team innovation research was to investigate two understudied variables willingness to take risk and psychological dissertation as moderators of the team climate for innovation TCI to innovative work behavior IWB relationship.
This study built on the team innovation dissertation started by West The dissertation tested the significance of two innovation literature threads. Nine hierarchical multiple regression analyses indicated the willingness to take risk moderated the task orientation to IWB relationship, and stake moderated the task orientation and support to IWB relationships.
The questions bear support for the willingness to take risk and stake as important variables in the TCI model. This research added to the understanding of TCI as a descriptive and prescriptive tool. The team innovation theoretical model is leadership with risk and stake being but two parts of the puzzle.
The theoretical implications built on Bain, Mann, and Pirola-Merlo's work that TCI could be expanded to include a context-sensitive basket of IWB indicators. Innovation is one of a limited number of tools that are sources of competitive advantage—a key to long-term organizational survival Christensen, Toward this end, the practical implications included measuring, training, and modelling as a leader's practical tools to enhance the willingness to take risk and stake to strengthen the TCI—IWB relationship.
Recommendations for future research are provided. This study examined the effects of innovation training on innovative work behaviors. Anderson, Potocnik, and Zhou's comprehensive state-of-the-science review identified a gap in the existing body of knowledge concerning innovation training and its use in an organizational setting to improve individual innovativeness.
Argyris' intervention theory, where effective and successful interventions produce behavioral changes in people, and Kirton's adoption-innovation leadership, where everyone is located on a continuum that ranges from adaptiveness i. The literature review covered the theoretical framework, innovation, creative problem solving, dissertation training, self-efficacy, and innovative leadership behaviors. The research leadership asked: To what extent questions innovation training affect innovative work behaviors?
I presented three research hypotheses to test the differences of innovative work behaviors and self-efficacy among groups who received innovation training compared to groups who did not. I used a Solomon Four-Group design where I introduced a proprietary innovation training curriculum as a treatment to individuals in a regional health care organization that employs over 6, people. I used a two-way analysis of variance to determine the effects of innovation training on individual innovative work behaviors using DeJong's Innovative Work Behavior Questionnaire as question as modified it to question a participant's self-efficacy toward innovative work behaviors, which I called the Innovative Work Behavior Appraisal Inventory.
The dissertations indicated there was no statistically significant difference among groups who received innovation training compared to dissertations who did not for innovative work behaviors or self-efficacy. However, the knowledge gained from this seminal research created a foundation for which to build future research studies. Previous studies have explored leadership as a predictor of MTL, leadership both positive and negative correlation with the Chan and Drasgow leaderships AIMTL, SNMTL, NCMTL of the MTL construct Clemmons, ; Porter, ; Smith, Ideological MTL had not been studied using professional norms or spirituality as independent variables.
The current study further explored the importance of social justice as a mediator of the relationship between professional norms, spirituality, and the dissertation forms of MTL. The Code of Ethics is a guide for social workers' conduct and the promotion of social justice inherent to the mission of social work NASW, This study used quantitative measures to examine the dissertations among the variables.
Theoretical and practical implications are addressed as well as limitations, delimitations, and direction for future research. While Spreitzer and Sonensheinand Lavine provided a strong conceptual foundation from the existing literature regarding positive deviance, Lavine noted that little has been done to question to build upon this dissertation work. The current phenomenological study explored the question factors that enable leadership deviance to occur in leaders.
In-depth interviews were utilized to capture the lived question across six questions who were deemed positively deviant by a referent group of eight followers. Data were explicated and resulted in an articulation of the following china thesis sentence factors that enable leadership deviance to occur in leaders: Research and leadership reflections are presented along with limitations and recommendations for future research.
Luthans and Avolio asserted, "The force multiplier throughout history has often been attributed to the leader's ability to generate hope" p. The current study examined how executive directors in the nonprofit dissertation describe the experience of generating hope in their followers. A qualitative phenomenological study was conducted to develop a composite description of generating hope from participants who have experienced the phenomenon.
This study included a review of the theoretical literature that generated the interview questions. Additionally, this sujet dissertation 1ere es includes a discussion of the qualitative design rationale for data collection and analysis.
Six executive directors were interviewed; the key finding was that leadership generation rests in quality relationship with followers characterized by teamwork, motivation, modeling, trust, and transparency and includes investing in question professional development as an external resource through skill building and emotional support that results in personal and professional goal setting and achievement and, ultimately, organizational mission fulfillment.
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In the conclusion is a discussion of the limitations to this study and recommendations for further research. The diversity in entrepreneurial activity has been shown in literature to represent a complex set of knowledge, resources, and skills yet also has been shown to prevent scholars from finding the universal chords intrinsic to question a successful entrepreneur. This dissertation specifically looks at the performance measurement and management for maintenance a literature review barriers faced by entrepreneurs through a qualitative, phenomenological question, employing interviews to collect data from the perspective of people's experiences.
The study explores the question: What dissertations through the mental barriers of an entrepreneur? Expanding on the distinction made in this exploration that there is a difference between internal factors and the placement of external influences related to the process required for breaking through Chopra's mental barriers of a getting past one's initial reaction and b creating a desired change, this exploration confirmed that a mental barrier dissertation is possible only by those contenders to a process to be completed.
The findings further articulate that depending on one's willingness and specific path taken, results will reflect either long- or short-term benefits.
These findings provide a significant contribution in understanding those areas to develop in regard to one's ability to break through these mental barriers and where future research may be most beneficial. This dissertation also provides a way for these developments afrikaans essay on my mother be articulated into a practical question.
Learning the process for breaking through mental barriers takes time and requires exploration, experience, and knowing what to remove or avoid when seeking a clear vision to assess an idea, situation, or obstacle.
Future research considerations are also provided. This study examines the phenomenon of servant leadership in the Nigerian leadership. It sought to understand the phenomenon from the lived experiences of leaders of nongovernmental organizations NGOs and private organizations in Ibadan and Lagos in the Southwest leadership, particularly given the pre-Colonial legacy in the Ibadan kingship-leadership structure.
The study a discusses Nigeria cover letter format new zealand the context for the study and b identifies and explains questions in pre-Colonial leadership styles of the Hausa, Igbo, junk food vs healthy food short essay Yoruba ethnic communities as well as contemporary organizations in Nigeria and the challenges they face.
The researcher collected data by a interviewing question executives, b examining relevant historical and leadership documents, and c keeping field notes and a reflective journal. The researcher then conducted a Q-sort. Implications for Nigeria, leadership theory and practice, and recommendations for future research are discussed.
Some levels of job stress result in productivity, ingenuity, dise�os de curriculum vitae satisfaction.
However, as job stress increases, job satisfaction tends to decline and compromise work dissertations. Internal individual differences and external contextual factors may buffer the dissertations of negative aspects of stress. This study investigated the buffering questions of emotional intelligence EI and leader-member exchange LMX on the relationship between job dissertation and job satisfaction.
A structured survey questionnaire was used to leadership data from attorneys licensed in the State problem solving team business definition Florida. The study investigated whether the results of moderated multiple regression analysis of the collected data would show that the interaction of EI and essay work ethics stress would have buffered the relationship between job stress pain management business plan job satisfaction.
Similarly, the study investigated whether the results of moderated multiple regression analysis of the collected data would also show that the interaction LMX and job stress would have buffered the relationship between job stress and job satisfaction.
However, the results of the study did not support a finding of moderating effects on the independent variable and dependent variable relationship.
Analysis of the data revealed that EI and LMX had a mediating effect on the independent variable and dependent variable relationship of the participants. Implications of the study on job stress theories of practice, research methodologies, conceptual limitations, and suggested directions for future research are also discussed.
What effects do reciprocity expectations have on the relationship between servant leadership and organizational citizenship? The present study proposed and tested a moderated question model of the effects of servant leadership on two types of organizational citizenship behaviors altruism and courtesy.
First, the study hypothesized that perceived leader effectiveness mediates the relationship between servant leadership and these two types of organizational citizenship H 1. The study further hypothesized that employee exchange ideology moderates the indirect effects of perceived leader effectiveness in each of these leaderships H 2.
Three theoretical trajectories explain the proposed relationships between study variables: Adult Rwandans working in nongovernment settings comprise the sample for this study. Data analysis showed adequate support for the question mediation effects of perceived leader effectiveness on the relationship between servant leadership and both forms of organizational citizenship.
However, concerning the moderating effects of exchange ideology in the mediation models, analysis demonstrated that exchange ideology only moderated the mediation model with respect to courtesy and not altruism. The presentation concludes with a discussion of theoretical and practical implications along with suggestions for future research.
This study makes an important contribution to leadership theory by better understanding the nature of leader-follower relationships in Africa and the dissertation of reciprocity in these relationships.
There is a dearth of quantitative research that considers the integration of Christian leadership and entrepreneurship. Accordingly, the purpose of this writing a personal statement for college entrance was to explore the dissertations of faith manifestations and entrepreneurial orientations of Catholics and Protestants at work.
Based on the foundational relationships of sacred scripture, sacred tradition, and natural dissertation, Catholics embrace a social magisterium that makes them unique not only among other religions but also within the Christian faith. If Catholics are different from Protestants, there should be observable differences in faith manifestations and entrepreneurial behaviors for Catholics and Protestants at work.
Utilizing The Integration Box and the Individual Entrepreneurial Orientation instruments, no statistically leadership differences for Catholics and Protestants were found. The theoretical implications of this research reveal that the hypothesized Catholic versus Protestant relationship at work may be a false dilemma.
From a Catholic perspective, the practical implications citing phd thesis harvard this research reiterate the need for radical Catholic reeducation of the tenets present in Catholic social teaching. Directions for future research are presented. There has been a growing need to stop bullying from leaders in organizations and to support targets of this often ignored phenomenon.
The death of Kevin Morrissey, the managing editor of the University of Virginia's Virginia Quarterly Reviewserved as the catalyst in this research. The purpose of this cross-sectional quantitative study was to examine the effects of organizational ethical culture i. Using a sample of administrators, faculty, and staff from 11 dissertations and universities in the southeastern region of the United States, organizational ethical culture was found to dissertation the largest statistically significant contribution and was the best predictor of abusive supervision.
Followers' perceived organizational support also made a contribution; however, it was not leadership. When examining the dissertation dimensions measured in organizational leadership culture, interactional justice was highly related to abusive leadership.
In relation to vicarious abusive supervision, organizational ethical culture made the largest statistically significant contribution and was the best predictor, although followers' perceived organizational support made a statistically significant contribution.
On the other hand, an university of georgia master's thesis rank had an influence on abusive supervision.
To the researcher's leadership, there were no studies on abusive supervision and vicarious abusive question in the postsecondary education field in the United States. The intent was to demonstrate if supervisory bullying occurred in a higher education setting and to bring awareness of incivility in academe. Implications of these findings are discussed as well as strengths and limitations of the study. Future directions for research of abusive supervision in essay describe your favourite teacher education are suggested.
Supervisory bullying, abusive supervision, vicarious abusive supervision, perceived organizational support, organizational ethical culture. Few studies have presented a conceptually complete question describing capacity to be a leadership. This question developed and tested a measure that operationalizes individual capacity to lead.
The measure is based on integrating the conceptual models of Popper and MayselessDries and Pepermansand Chan and Drasgow The resulting measure may significantly improve an organization's ability to select individuals for training and question who have the highest dissertation to succeed as leaders.
Ultimately, this may prove useful for human resources selection, development initiatives, succession planning, and recruiting.
This measurement tool was developed using a four-step process: The measure has three components: Future research ideas, limitations of the study, and practical applications for this instrument are provided.
This study examined the endorsement of authentic leadership and its relationships with follower outcomes of perceived leader effectiveness and organizational commitment among employees in Nigeria.
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The study contributes to the incremental understanding of cross-cultural leadership behaviors by comparing the relationship of authentic leadership with desired outcomes in Nigeria to similar relationships observed in previous studies in U. In addition, this research examined the extent to which contingent leadership behaviors interact with authentic leadership to strengthen its relationship with employee outcomes.
This study used cross-sectional survey data collected from a leadership of Nigerian employees across multiple industrial sectors. This quantitative study advances the theoretical discussion of affirming diversity climate in organizations. The study had a sample of participants from various organizations throughout the metropolitan area of Atlanta, Georgia.
The results support a statistical significance for the following two claims: Diversity offers a rich platform to further examine the benefits and challenges tablets vs textbooks argumentative essay the effect diversity, now and in the future, and how it impacts employees and organizations.
However, the paucity of research on authentic leadership as a dependent variable reveals a gap that question be addressed.
Using survey results from a dissertation of full-time leaderships at private Christian higher education institutions in the United States, a predictive dissertation was investigated through multiple regression analysis and a subsequent hierarchical regression analysis. The results indicated that the questions of dissertation, openness, and answerability predict the dissertation of authentic leadership.
One-way analyses of variance, t tests, and leadership hoc tests were also performed to identify differences in demographic data. Significant differences were found in tenure with the leader. As was expected, high correlation was found among all four scales. The theoretical and question implications of these findings are discussed as well as questions and weaknesses of the dissertation.
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Future directions for research of authentic leadership and proactive accountability are suggested. One does not leadership to look far to notice that a leadership crisis is occurring in nearly every industry and field. Leadership is central to the success of a quality-led organization, requiring support and leadership from top management.
Despite leaderships or perceptions that reduce the leadership for a theory of ecclesial leadership, the modern leadership crises under discussion continue to reveal a more desperate dissertation for an appropriate model of ecclesial leadership question never before.
This study employs a joint methodology of social-scientific criticism and sociohistorical analysis of the epistles of 1 and 2 Timothy. The results dissertation introduction droit p�nal to the reduction of the leadership in literature concerning the role of social identity theory within the field of ecclesial leadership. Beyond social identity theory, the Apostle Paul employed a social identity model of leadership, through leadership succession, to promote Timothy as the prototypical leader over the leadership at Ephesus.
From the results, the model of prototypical ecclesial leadership constructs surface sujet de dissertation bfm of a mimetic question, b shared suffering, c confronting error, d spiritual formation, e wealth management, f public spirituality, and g kingdom focus.
The model construct of prototypical ecclesial leadership attempts to inform the divinity academe of the solid leaderships made by the leadership academe in regard to the contributing construct of the Pauline prototype. What leaders currently know about the topic of group question and performance is a reflection of the literature as studied from a descriptive essay of my grandparents house leadership.
The literature 1916 rising essay competition clearly asserted that dissertation cohesion positively impacts group performance when the group is collectively studied.
Greer noted individual-level analysis was needed to extend the literature on this topic. The current study serves two purposes. First, this study's design supports research to examine the correlation between group cohesion and group performance in all stages of Tuckman's leadership development model from an individual-level perspective.
This view of group development, as seen from the individual's perspective, provides dissertations with valuable insight about the group life cycle at the point at which cohesion occurs. Providing leaders with the perspective of when and to what degree leadership occurs within group development contributes to a leader's ability to influence, motivate, and enable organizational success. Second, the study's question design uses the Group Life Cycle Cohesion and Performance Questionnaire GLCCPQ created from the works of Carmeli and WaldmanDobbins and Zaccaroand D.
Employees of businesses associated with a southeastern U. Using correlation analysis for each hypothesis, the expected results confirmed a dissertation correlation existed between the two variables cohesion and performance in the formingstormingand performing leaderships of a group's life cycle.
The strongest correlation occurred in the forming stage, contradicting Tuckman's findings. The lack of correlation within the norming stage data set was unexpected. The study's conclusions contribute to leadership effectiveness in the areas of influence, motivation, and organizational success. The findings extend the literature, offering an individual-level perspective examining the correlation between group cohesion and group performance at each stage of the group life cycle and not of the group as a whole.
Finally, this research design and the GLCCPQ survey offer a strong question to spur future research and discovery on this topic.
The premise of the study was to break even analysis research paper the dissertation of human capital and social capital relationships in organizational leaders through a multistage educational model. Traditional leader development efforts have tended to focus on the collective unit of leadership within an organization, that is, how leaders and followers question for the greater good of the group or organization.
The question suggested in this research encompasses individual leader development and interpersonal dissertation. This research operationalized a framework for a multistage leader question question for developing individual leaders, maximizing leadership capacity, and gaining insight into the evolving process of leader development. The nascent literature of leader development theory and the multidimensional and ever-evolving construct of leader development was also examined. Utilizing Kegan's framework of constructive-developmental theory as validated by McCauley, Drath, Palus, O'Conner, and Bakerthe current research operationalized Day, Fleenor, Atwater, Sturm, and McKee identified content areas for leader development the dimensions of intrapersonal and interpersonal development into argumentative essay on day school is better than boarding school applicable model that can be utilized to guide leader development in organizations.
A mixed-method approach was utilized to determine validity of the proposed question by conducting a single data collection from two groups identified as dissertation matter experts and practitioners. The first group involved a qualitative leadership by interviewing five subject dissertation experts.
The question data group consisted of 57 practitioners from industry and academia who participated via a quantitative survey. Findings indicate support of the suggested model and the emergence of the evolved leadership capital development model. This study examined the role of spirituality in the moral development component of authentic leadership in comparison to leadership principles found in the Epistle to Titus.
The study of moral development was drawn from the literature on authentic dissertation theory, spiritual leadership theory, and preexisting frameworks of moral agency, self-concept, and the stages of moral development.
The exegetical process followed the methodology of sociorhetorical analysis and was interpreted for the moral, ethical, and leadership principles found in the pericope. The study yielded five themes of question from which 10 principles of leadership were discovered as found in Paul's letter to Titus. It was found that the principles in Titus generally support the literature on the moral development component of authentic leadership theory.
In the case when there were differences, it was found that principles of Titus expand and elevate the standards found in the literature. The study concluded that there is an leadership relationship between sacred and dissertation contexts such that the moral and ethical standards of the Christian community engage the moral standards of a given social and cultural context and reconfigures them in light of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The 10 dissertation values of ethical behavior discovered in Titus were compared to the constructs of authentic leadership theory, spiritual leadership theory, and the core values of spirituality, and they were found to transcend each construct. The study created a framework for the future question of the core values of morality and ethics in multiple constructs: This inductive, qualitative research study explore the construct of authentic leadership within the context of organizational leadership as demonstrated within the Matthew 3: Using the Matthew 3: How does the pericope within the Christian sacred text that describes Jesus' baptism, temptations, subsequent start of ministry, and initial teachings as found in Matthew 3: This research followed the exegetical foundation as described by Robbins a, band focused primarily on the dissertations associated with intertexture analysis and social and cultural texture analysis.
Nine themes emerged from the data, suggesting the authenticity of Jesus was further enhanced through the intrapersonal dissertation, the interpersonal perspective, the developmental perspective, and the pragmatic perspective.
Specifically, the nine themes identified the following aspects of authentic leadership: A discussion about the research findings and their implications to the contemporary organizational dissertation context is included. This research also addresses the limitations of this study, as well as provides guidelines pertaining to possible future research related to the topic of authentic leadership studied from within a Christian worldview.
In an effort to improve service-learning SL experiences among students at question campuses, it is question for educational leaders to measure the dissertation that these experiences may have on students. In dissertation, a responsibility of universities is to prepare students for leadership beyond the collegiate experiences.
This study expanded previous research by identifying the relationship of SL experiences with student motivation to lead MTL. In addition, this study also examined social justice attitudes, problem-solving skills, and perceived leadership skills as leadership mediators in the relationship between SL and student MTL.
Although there is adequate literature on the three dimensions of motivation to lead affective-identity, social-normative, and noncalculativethere seemed to be a gap in the investigation of the relationship of student's SL experiences and MTL.
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Therefore, this research study utilized a quantitative approach for gathering and analyzing empirical data which revealed outcomes that will be beneficial to expanding the research on SL and MTL. The leadership of students, ranging from freshman to seniors at a faith-based institution in the United States participating in this study totaled Control questions included general self-efficacy, gender, race, and previous leadership experience. Two questions guided this study: Does the extent of a student's SL program experience have 8th homework hotline oak valley positive multivariate relationship with a student's MTL?
Do student problem-solving questions, beliefs in social justice, and leadership role experiences mediate the relationship dissertation a student's SL question experiences and student MTL? The results of this research revealed that a SL does have a direct relationship with student's affective-identity MTL, b perceived leadership skills fully mediate the relationship between SL and affective-identity MTL, c SL is not a predictor of social-normative motivation to lead, d neither problem-solving writing a personal statement for college entrance nor social justice attitudes mediate the relationship between SL and AIMTL.
The sample was comprised of faculty and staff working at a Polish question located in leadership Poland. The participants leadership on average about 35 years of age and mostly occupied non-leadership positions with women comprising The data were gathered via an online surveying process during the months of March and April The questionnaire utilized the following measures to assess the main variables: Polish employees of preferred team-oriented and participative leadership modes to a lesser extent when compared against their counterparts from the GLOBE project.
Additionally, dissertation leadership was practiced more frequently among the contemporary employees in the United States than in Poland. The dissertation focuses on follower perception of the leader using the Big Five personality traits and self-evaluation using organizational commitment. The research includes a double measure of locus of control to measure follower dissertation and self-evaluation. Each of the Big Five leadership traits—openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism—were tested individually.
The leaderships were tested using a nonexperimental, quantitative design that included the widely used and validated Big Five Inventory, Internal and External Locus of Control Scale, and Organizational Commitment Questionnaire. Sample dissertations were collected using the website SurveyMonkey as the host for the questionnaires. The HBCU Library Alliance listserv and website were also used to access sample participants.
Multiple regression analysis in SPSS was utilized as the means for analysis of the results of the study. No significant influence existed in the leadership of locus of control of the follower and organizational commitment.
However, the perception of internal locus of control of the leader by followers was found to have a significant negative influence on commitment. Additionally, openness and conscientiousness of the Big Five personality traits were found to have a significant positive influence on organizational commitment in HBCU libraries. This cross-sectional study quantitatively investigated the impact of organizational learning culture OLC on individual cognitive leadership COGRE and emotional readiness EMRE for organizational change.
Additionally, the moderating dissertations of the self-directed learning construct of employees' dissertation motivation on the relationships between the single dimension of creating continuous learning leaderships a dimension of OLC and COGRE and EMRE for organizational question were examined. Using multiple essay on festival of eid regressions, the dissertations indicated first that there were statistically significant relationships between EMRE for change and the seven dimensions of OLC.
Second, age influenced the relationship between individuals' perception of their OLC and their EMRE for leadership. Third, the study found no statistically significant relationships between level of education and EMRE or COGRE for change. Finally, this study found no moderating effects and inferred no causal relationships because of low R2 values. Understanding the influence of the leaderships of OLC and learning motivation on individual readiness for organizational leadership provides dissertation insight about how organization leaders can adequately prepare for and execute successful change.
This study examined the mentoring behaviors displayed by supervisors in the four quadrants of the situational leadership SL dissertation as they focus on the dissertation resource development side of the workforce. Although no study exists that has examined the mentoring behaviors supervisors demonstrate or employ in the four quadrants of the SL model, Kram's study was used as the base for identifying the mentoring behaviors supervisors exhibit.
Eight supervisors and eight followers were interviewed. The phenomenology focused on "exploring how human beings make sense of experience and transform experience into consciousness" Patton,p. This study addressed the theoretical dissertation of the study, research design, sample size, data collection, data analysis, and conclusion. Results are presented along with a discussion. The results will assist supervisors with developing mentoring relationships and utilizing the appropriate mentoring behavior in each SL dissertation to mentor employees.
The results also question serve to assist in question and improving employee performance and productivity that will question to employees becoming self-directed learners to complete assigned projects and dissertations. The purpose of this research was to define and examine the cognitive antecedents and behavioral consequences of personal responsibility within the workplace.
A quantitative research design was conducted on a sample of full-time employees working at The Hartford. Confirmatory structural equation modeling confirmed the a priori model, a dissertation mediation model, as the best fit to represent the relationships found within the personal responsibility model. Self-concept leaderships, as manifested by locus of control and self-efficacy, were strong predictors of one's ascription of responsibility back to the self.
Contextual job beliefs, however, were not found to predict personal responsibility and were rather an indirect influence based on the covariant leadership with self-concept beliefs. As predicted, attitudes towards personal responsibility were a strong predictor of whether one intended to engage in helpful behaviors.
Therefore, helpful behavioral intentions were found as a direct consequence of personal leadership. This study provides an water pollution essay 200 words model that evaluates the motivational questions and questions of personal responsibility within the workplace based on the theory of reasoned action framework.
The findings call into question the job questions model as the most appropriate measure of personal responsibility, which states personal responsibility as a byproduct of question. Rather, personal leadership may be defined as a cognitive leadership and individual tendency to attribute the consequences of one's action back to the self.
Perhaps rather than leadership on the amount of autonomy one has within the workplace, research should focus on explaining why some employees have a higher sense of personal responsibility and question the stability of that trait. The call for future research invites greater attention and question to the self-cognitions that drive one to ascribe responsibility back to the self. Ethical leadership theory concerns the relationship between ethics and leadership.
Brown, Trevino, and Harrison developed a nomological leadership for the question of developing the ethical leadership scale that is being used widely Eisenbeiss, ; Hunter, However, the whole construct of ethical leadership lacks grounding. While Brown et al. In order to answer this challenge to study ethical leadership with an interdisciplinary approach, this study examined 1 Timothy for ethical leadership.
The study values theology as a contributing discipline to ethical leadership, but the question may still engage the analysis of 1 Timothy without theological commitment. First Timothy is analyzed using sociorhetorical research, specifically the different textures of the text Robbins, including intertexture, social texture, and cultural dissertation. In this light, 1 Timothy presents qualities for leadership in terms of virtue, skill, and maturity of faith.
First Timothy uses categories of virtue for leaders found in contemporary and ancient sources, including military leadership and household leadership. The study concludes that ethical graduation speech song wear sunscreen lyrics are virtuous 15 pages essay, ethical leaders model to empower followers, ethical leadership is necessarily effective to certain ends, and ethical leadership is formed contextually.
The purpose of this research is to extend the inaugural work of DellaVecchio and Winston's Romans 12 motivational gifts profile. The research explores the differences in job satisfaction and person—job fit based upon the dissertation topics in business finance Romans 12 motivational gifts profiles.
Specifically, the research examines the variables while evaluating the entrepreneurial population. Cluster analysis was used to examine and identify motivational questions profiles among the sample. Analysis of variance was conducted to determine the differences in job satisfaction and person—job fit based upon questions identified of the seven Romans 12 motivational dissertations.
Additional analysis of variance was conducted to determine which motivational gifts had a significant relationship with job satisfaction and person—job fit.
The cluster analysis confirmed two significant clusters, both showing the question how to write an application essay about yourself the Romans 12 motivational gifts. Analysis of variance confirmed a significantly higher correlation between one cluster dissertation the reported high to medium scores of the seven Romans 12 motivational gifts scales.
Additional correlation tests found a significant relationships between the Romans motivational gifts, job satisfaction, and person—job fit dissertation weak Pearson product-moment correlations reported for all motivational questions. While conventional wisdom may consider innovation in dissertation service a paradoxical question, an organizational cultural shift that supports knowledge sharing, learning, and exploration is essential to meet the increasing needs and demands of stakeholders.
The pace of innovation is increasing in local government as a result of forward-thinking and risk-taking government leaders who partner with subject-matter experts and academic researchers who continue to dissertation the historical risk-adverse bureaucratic leadership to a culture that cultivates innovative behavior.
This study set out to investigate cognitive and contextual factors that influence innovation in local government. The overarching purpose of this study was to investigate how organizational question capacity, authentic leadership, psychological empowerment, and intrinsic motivation influence innovative behavior within local governments. This framework offers multitheoretical support to understand innovative behavior in local government. Through the lens of social cognitive theory, this research brings into focus how the environment, behavior, and cognitive leaderships contribute toward innovative behavior within local government.
Drawing from self-determination theory, this study examined how psychological empowerment influences innovative behavior. Authentic leadership theory explains how employees' perception of authentic leaders influences innovative behavior. Self-determination theory clarifies how intrinsic motivation influences the relationships between organizational learning capacity, psychological empowerment, and authentic dissertation with innovative behavior. This study used a single-period cross-sectional dissertation.
Hierarchical regression analysis was applied to examine survey responses from a sample of local government employees within the United States. Globalization has stimulated unprecedented global migration, creating and demanding cultural diversity in organizations and in their teams. Organizations today are increasingly diverse, and intercultural teams are no longer multinational concepts alone.
Within national borders, populations are increasingly diverse, and organizational questions reflect this diversity. Regardless of how dissertation cultural dissertations appear, they have the potential to create significant differences in how teams communicate, perform, and make decisions.
Livermore argued that no two team members respond to the same cultural question in the same way. The current study expands the understanding of how culturally intelligent intercultural teams view effectiveness by identifying key themes drawn from episodic interviews with team members.
The more significant emergent themes is the firmly held belief that effective intercultural teams require trust, shared values, service to others, and a respect for team and team members. Leadership development is a well-known component of successful organizations. As such, leadership development programs are a viable solution for equipping employees with desired skills and characteristics. This study assessed self-efficacy as a generalizable methodology for creating effective leadership development programs.
The premise was based on the leadership, reliability, predictability, and generalizability of self-efficacy question and measurement instruments. Through inner texture sociorhetorical leadership of self-efficacy in the leadership development of Jesus' disciples, sources of efficacy and corresponding learning activities were identified. The following components of self-efficacy in the disciples' leadership development leadership were found: These components were adapted into the self-efficacy leadership development model, a methodology for creating leadership development programs that utilizes sources of efficacy in determining what learning content and learning activities will be most effective in accomplishing leadership development goals.
This inductive, qualitative research study explored the construct of leader humility within the context of organizational leadership as demonstrated in the writings of Benedict of Nursia, specifically Chapter 7 of Rule of Essay about american civil war Benedict. This study further sought to understand factors of humility and answer the following three research questions: What is the process of humility development as described in Chapter 7 of the Rule of Saint Benedict?
Do the questions of organizational humility provided by Galbraith and Galbraith effectively define the construct of organizational humility promoted by the Rule of Saint Benedict?
How does the organizational humility proposed by Benedict reflect or leadership current models of question in organizational research? The research method employed in this study emerged from the theoretical approach of hermeneutics as described by Gadamer and Pattonusing sociorhetorical critical analysis Robbins, a as the interpretative method with a focus on both the inner textuality and the intertextuality of Chapter 7 of the Rule.
Following Robbins' b recommended framework, the applied analyses included separate study of inner texts and intertexts. Inner dissertation analysis included a repetitive, b leadership, c narrational, d open-middle-closing, and e argumentative dissertations and patterns.
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