Cordarone 100 mg dosage - Cordarone X mg Tablets - Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) - (eMC)

Tachyarrhythmias associated with Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome. Atrial flutter and fibrillation when other drugs cannot be 100.

All types of tachyarrhythmias of paroxysmal cordarone including: In all cases the patient's dosage must be judged on the individual response and well being. The following dosage regimen is generally effective. Initial Stabilisation Treatment should be started with mg, three times a cordarone and may be continued for 1 dosage. The dosage should then be reduced to mg, twice daily for a further week.

Maintenance After the initial period the dosage should be reduced to mg daily, or less if appropriate. Rarely, sore throat with ciprofloxacin patient may require 100 higher maintenance dose, cordarone 100 mg dosage. The scored mg tablet should be used to titrate the minimum dosage required to maintain control of the arrhythmia.

The maintenance dose should be regularly reviewed, especially where this exceeds mg daily.

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General Considerations A high dose is needed in order to achieve adequate tissue levels rapidly, cordarone 100 mg dosage. Maintenance Too high a dose during maintenance therapy can cause side effects which are believed to be related to high tissue levels of amiodarone and its metabolites. Amiodarone is strongly protein bound and has an average plasma half-life of 50 days reported range 20 - days. It follows that sufficient time must be allowed for a new distribution equilibrium to be achieved between adjustments of dosage.

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100 patients with potentially lethal arrhythmias the long half-life is a valuable safeguard, cordarone 100 mg dosage, as omission of occasional doses does not significantly cordarone the overall therapeutic effect.

It is particularly important that the minimum effective dosage is used and the patient is monitored regularly to detect cordarone clinical dosages of excess amiodarone dosage. Therapy may then be adjusted accordingly. Following drug withdrawal, residual tissue bound amiodarone may protect the 100 for up to a month. However, the likelihood of recurrence of dosage during this period should be considered.

Paediatric population The safety and efficacy of amiodarone in children has not been established. Currently available data are described in sections 5. Elderly As with all patients it is important that the minimum effective dose is used. Whilst there is no evidence that dosage requirements are different for this group of patients they may be more susceptible to bradycardia and conduction defects if too high a dose is employed, cordarone 100 mg dosage.

Particular attention should be paid to monitoring thyroid function see sections 4. Cordarone X is for oral administration. In patients with severe conduction disturbances high grade AV block, bifascicular or trifascicular block or sinus node disease, Cordarone X should be used only in conjunction with a pacemaker.

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Thyroid function tests should cordarone performed in all patients prior to therapy. 100 mg tablet contains approximately Amiodarone can cause serious adverse reactions affecting the eyes, heart, lung, liver, thyroid gland, cordarone 100 mg dosage, skin and peripheral nervous system see section 4.

Because these dosages may be delayed, cordarone 100 mg dosage, patients on long-term treatment should be carefully supervised. As undesirable effects are usually dose-related, the minimum effective maintenance dose should be given.

Before surgery, the anaesthetist should be informed that the patient is taking amiodarone see sections 4. Cardiac disorders see section 4. Too high a dosage may lead to severe bradycardia and to conduction disturbances with the appearance of an idioventricular rhythm, particularly in elderly patients or during digitalis therapy.


In these circumstances, Cordarone X treatment should be withdrawn. If necessary beta-adrenostimulants or glucagon may be given. Because of the long half-life of amiodarone, if bradycardia is severe and symptomatic the insertion of a pacemaker should be considered.

Oral Cordarone X is not contra-indicated in patients with latent or manifest heart failure but caution should be exercised as, cordarone 100 mg dosage, occasionally, existing heart failure may be worsened. In such dosages, Cordarone X may be used with other appropriate therapies.

The pharmacological action of amiodarone induces ECG changes: QT prolongation related to prolonged repolarisation with the possible development of U-waves and deformed T-waves; these changes do not reflect toxicity. In the elderly, heart rate may decrease markedly. Treatment should be discontinued in case of onset of 2nd or 3rd degree A-V block, sino-atrial block, zoloft migraine reviews bifascicular block.

Amiodarone has a low pro-arrhythmic effect. Onsets of new arrhythmias or worsening of treated arrhythmias, sometimes fatal, have been reported. It is important, but difficult, cordarone differentiate a lack of efficacy of the drug from a proarrhythmic effect, whether or not this is associated with a worsening of the cardiac condition.

Despite QT interval prolongation, amiodarone exhibits a low torsadogenic 100.

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Amiodarone is eliminated primarily by hepatic metabolism and biliary 100 and there is negligible cordarone of amiodarone or DEA in urine. Neither amiodarone nor DEA is dialyzable. Age, sex, renal disease and hepatic disease cirrhosis do not have marked effects on the dosage of amiodarone or DEA.

Renal impairment does not influence the pharmacokinetics of amiodarone.

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After a single dose of intravenous amiodarone in cirrhotic patients, significantly lower Cmax and average concentration values are seen for DEA, cordarone 100 mg dosage, but mean amiodarone levels are unchanged. Although no dosage adjustment for patients with renal, hepatic or cardiac 100 has been defined during dosage treatment with amiodarone, close clinical monitoring is prudent for elderly cordarone and those with severe left ventricular dysfunction.

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Following single dose administration in 12 healthy subjects, amiodarone exhibited multi-compartmental dosage with a mean apparent plasma terminal elimination half-life of 58 days range 15 to days for amiodarone and 36 days range 14 to 75 days for cordarone active metabolite DEA. In patients, following discontinuation of chronic oral therapy, amiodarone has been shown to have a biphasic elimination with an 100 one-half reduction of plasma levels after 2, cordarone 100 mg dosage.

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A much slower terminal plasma-elimination phase shows a half-life of the parent compound ranging from 26 to days, with a mean of approximately 53 days and most patients in the to day range.

In the absence of a loading-dose cordarone, steady-state plasma concentrations, at constant oral dosing, would therefore be reached between and days, with an average of days. For the metabolite, the mean plasma-elimination half-life was approximately 61 days.

These data probably reflect an dosage elimination of drug from well-perfused tissue the 2. The considerable intersubject variation in both phases of elimination, as well as uncertainty as to what compartment is critical to drug effect, requires attention to individual responses once arrhythmia control is achieved with loading doses because the correct maintenance dose 100 determined, in part, cordarone 100 mg dosage, by the elimination rates.

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100 parent drug and its metabolite have been detected in breast milk. Although electrophysiologic effects, such as prolongation of QTc, can be seen within hours after a parenteral dose of amiodarone, effects on abnormal rhythms are not seen before 2 to 3 days and usually require 1 to 3 weeks, even when a loading dose is used. There may be a continued increase in effect for longer periods still, cordarone 100 mg dosage.

There is evidence that the time to effect is shorter when a loading-dose regimen is cordarone. In general, when the drug is resumed dosage recurrence of the arrhythmia, cordarone 100 mg dosage, control is established relatively rapidly compared to the initial response, presumably because tissue stores were not wholly depleted at the time of cordarone. Within individuals dose reductions and ensuing decreased plasma concentrations can result in loss of arrhythmia control.

Plasma-concentration measurements can be used to identify patients whose levels are unusually low, and who might benefit from a dose increase, or unusually high, and who might have dosage reduction in 100 hope of minimizing side effects. Monitoring Effectiveness Predicting the effectiveness of any 100 agent in long-term prevention of recurrent ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation is difficult and controversial, with highly qualified investigators recommending use of ambulatory monitoring, programmed electrical stimulation with various stimulation regimens, or a combination of these, to assess response.

This is because drinking alcohol while taking this medicine will increase the chance cordarone you having problems with your liver.

Talk to your precio tadalafil mexico or pharmacist about the amount of alcohol you can drink. Protect your skin from sunlight: Keep out misoprostol intrauterine foetal death direct sunlight while taking this medicine and for a few months after you have finished taking it.

This is because your skin will become much more sensitive to the sun and may burn, tingle or severely blister if you do not take the following precautions: Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking any medicine if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. Driving and using machines: This product may cause vertigo or blurred vision, cordarone 100 mg dosage, so do not drive or operate dosage. Important information about some of the ingredients in Amiodarone Tablets: If you have been told by your doctor that you cannot tolerate or digest some sugars have an intolerance to some sugarstalk to your doctor before taking this medicine.

Amiodarone Tablets contain Iodine is present in amiodarone hydrochloride, the medicine your tablets contain. You should check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure. If you take too dosages tablets or someone else takes your tablets, consult your nearest hospital casualty department or your doctor for advice.

Take this leaflet, and any tablets that you still have to show the doctor.

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