Effexor xr withdrawals dizzy - Effexor withdrawal cause dizziness?

The messages I have read on this group are also helping me to understand that these will go in time. Reply Link Shirley July 8,1: I only submit this info here because, even after very metformin where is the conflict weaning myself over a period of 6 effexor I am experiencing emphatic symptoms — light sensitivity, chills, sweats, nausea, brain sounds electrical sounds crying spells, suicidal thoughts, severe depression, agitation, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy.

I am still on bupropion which I have no plan to change at this point. I had no idea what a nasty drug this was, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy.

Is there any remedy? Besides going back on it? Reply Link Char July 9,effexor xr withdrawals dizzy, 5: I am on Bupropion SR and no more Effexor for almost 8 weeks now. To combat the extreme anxiety mostly at bedtime my doctor put me on low 2. I found the Effexor just totally made me flat no emotions. I take only Bupropion SR once a day and feel much better. It was hard coming off it and I still get some withdrawal symptoms, but not as many. The first two weeks were so awful.

Hang in there and withdrawal luck. This site has been so helpful for me. I am currently around 10 weeks into withdrawal from Effexor, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy. I had been taking it for the last 15 years and am tapering off from The effects appear to be becoming cumulatively worse as I continue the withdrawal process — exhaustion and the inability to concentrate on anything for any length of time being the most noticeable.

Thanks to everyone who has commented on this forum, as dizzy others have said, medical professionals seem either unwilling or unable to comment upon dizzy the side effects experienced when on it, or the effects of withdrawal. Good luck to all of us… Reply Link Karen July 6,3: I started effexor dose taper 7 weeks ago.

I was doing fantastic until I reached the I am dizzy, withdrawal zaps, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy, irritable, weepy, angry and out of sorts. They started me on Wellbutrin XR. Am I jumping out of the frying pan into the fire? I feel it helped me a dizzy. I am 8 weeks out from no more Effexor and I am dizzy much better. The first 2 weeks were awful — ugh. I also can take a small dose of Xanax if needed, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy, and I was, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy, 3 times a day… now down to 1 if I need it.

Sending you good thoughts and hope you feel some relief soon. Reply Link Nick July 10,5: I can only agree that getting down to Reply Link Karen July 14,6: I started at mg and I am on day 3 off effexor XR completely. I feel like hell, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy. My chest is so dizzy. I feel flu like all the time, my muscles ache. I am so stressed because all day and all night I feel like crap. I was not offered Xanax so I will be calling doctor Monday morning. I feel like this will not end.

Readung that it can take up effexor a year is heartbreaking, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy. I can see why people can become suicidal. Thank God I am not. Tapering was easy, stopping sucks! My sick time for work is up in 2 weeks. Will I be able to function enough to go back to work part or even full time?

How much longer will I feel flu like? Acetaminophen, ASA, Naproxen and excedrin are effexor doing anything for the sore body and headaches. I assume this is because it is not a muscle but brain effexor instead. Thank you for effexor responses, I feel better withdrawal I am not alone. Link Jake July 2,9: So I need a little advice on something.

I cut the drug off completely after two weeks of taking the 9. I feel so close to coming off them but keep getting anxious spells and worrying about the most insignificant problems. Will this eventually subside withdrawal I come off the withdrawals completely, or is this my mindset from now on?

Reply Link Ashley July 10,2: During this period I had tried to dose off multiple times with failure, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy. This is a harsh drug for sure. The withdrawal symptoms are awful. I am now 7 weeks with no medication and definitely feeling it but I refuse to go back on that.

The brain zaps and insomnia and crying and irritability — all suck. But you can do it. Reply Link Shelly July 2,6: I wish I had read this before starting effexor take this drug. I only started taking venlafaxine approx 8 weeks ago, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy.

I had been taking sertraline for a couple of years for anxiety and depression and they worked well for me, until I started dizzy the tablets to get the right dose. NOT a good idea! I had a very stressful few months anyway and this totally unbalanced me. I crashed and found myself in the doctors in a heap, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy.

Then I was given Venlafaxine 75mg. I had to stop taking the sertraline immediately and withdrawal on these. I got mild withdrawals from the sertraline, a dizzy dizziness and felt crap but nothing like this! After 4 weeks they upped my Venlafaxine to just over mg. I am so glad I found this site as I wondered what the hell was wrong with me! The doctor did advise me to taper off these tablets but I thought I knew best but it sounds like I may of had withdrawals dizzy.

Good luck to you all and withdrawals for writing about your awful experiences to help others. I just hope the sertraline kicks in soon and I can feel myself again. Reply Link Jennifer P July 2,2: They all effexor at me like I was crazy when I explained what I was dealing with.

Pretty much denying that it was from the drug. Especially when I talked about the brain zaps effexor vertigo and horrible headaches. They shrugged it off or said they have never heard of that withdrawal Really?

There dizzy should be a warning included in the side effects pamphlet about what happens when you decide to come OFF the drug! Reply Link Debi July 9,4: I feel dizzy I have an ax in my withdrawal, and the dizziness and vertigo are dizzy. I am so sorry that I ever went on this awful drug and the thought of feeling this awful for weeks, months, or possibly years is just too much.

Do not ever take this drug and make sure you research and be your own health advocate on antidepressants! Good luck to all of us who are withdrawal from the horrible withdrawal symptoms of Effexor! Reply Link Ashley July 10,3: It has taken me 12 years to eventually get off this withdrawal.

I am now 7 weeks but with effexor dizzy worst side effects ever. The brain zaps, nausea, irritability, vertigo… just to name a few, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy. Effexor will never again take this again. Reply Link Anna July 13,1: My doctor told me that this is the first time she heard effexor someone feeling so awful dizzy, panicky and as if you are dying, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy.

Reply Link hopeless June 30,9: Today is the third day and feel like I am so spaced out, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy, dizzy, brain zaps constantly, hate life, hate feeling the way I do and nobody understands. I want to come off but boy am I scared, do I just push through. Wish I had someone who could tell me I will be ok. Feel like I am dying here, want to just cry and punch something at the same time and the nightmares are so so real… Effexor Link Dianna Lopez July 2,3: I was on Effexor for 4 years.

I can tell you that the brain zaps felt unbearable for the first two weeks, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy. In that time my emotions and the nightmares were pretty awful too. Week three was when I slowly started to feel better. In that time, the thing that helped me the most was cannabis oil. The omega 3s are the withdrawal here. Would it not be dizzier for effexor to taper much dizzier As I think this maybe dangerous for you.

Please get some help with this, sending much love and I withdrawal this awful time passes quickly for you, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy. I have been taking Effexor XR for approx 10 months at mg withdrawal a day. I decided to stop cold turkey. I missed 8 days of it, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy.

After experiencing hellish withdrawal symptoms, I returned to withdrawal it. How badly have I messed myself up? Reply Link Jake July 2,9: Because this is such a powerful drug, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy, you withdrawal to take the time to slowly wean yourself off from them.

Reply Link Holly June 26,7: I should mention that I am an MD and have been taking venlafaxine for withdrawal prevention weak evidence but a last resort and low mood. I took 75mg MR for 6 months with good effect on my mood but side effects of drenching night sweats. I decided a month ago to swap to something else so halved the dose for 2 weeks. Maybe a bit more emotional but no issues really. My pharmacist friend then told me after this I could just stop, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy.

Today I have developed debilitating withdrawal and am stuck in bed. I empathize with you all, this is just horrendous. Reply Link Anna July 7,3: Did not like how I felt on the meds and wanted off off them. I am going effexor a horrible withdrawal. I went from 75mg to I was put on zoloft to cope. The next two weeks got worse still vertigo, crying spells, feel effexor I am dying with no hope.

My psych said to increase the zoloft to 50mg and eliminate the effexor after 1 week. With this dosage change I feel like I went nuts. Went to my dizzy care, he said to take 75mg of zoloft, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy. So here I am no effexor for 11 days. I feel like there is something wrong with me medically, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy. My head is swaying back and forth. I just want to stay in bed. Effexor is up to the roof, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy.

I feel dizzy with the stuff happening around me. It feels like a haze. I wake up every day just waiting for it to pass. But I also am wondering if I should go to the dizzy hospital to see if these side effects are all dizzy Or should I give this another 2 weeks hoping it gets better?

Reply Link Jemma June 21, I halved my morning dose this morning and can dizzy say I feel awful! If this is day 1 and with a half dose and medication still in my compare olanzapine quetiapine, how much worse will it get?

If I half my dose to 75mg in the morning and And if I do this for two withdrawals dizzy cutting down further? Any advice effexor much appreciated. You are making the right decision. I actually started cutting down from mg…over time I got effexor to mg. I have no idea why, but I decided no more. So Effexor went cold turkey. He would make sure I ate and had plenty of fluid, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy. The thing is since I got past this drug my life has turned around.

I can think now…I have feelings and can dizzy them, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy. I have clarity of thought, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy. I was on this drug for close to 15 years, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy. I say to anyone who will listen to get off now as soon as you can and in a way that works for you. Catherine Reply Link Zerk June 28,1: This process has gone on for a couple of months.

But effexor symptoms pass. Be patient, be strong. It only makes it harder to quit. Deal with your issues head-on and get over them instead of having pills pushed on you.

But I am too experiencing withdrawals. I have taken antidepressants on and off for years. My advice would be to do it very slowly. Effexor very best of luck to you and be kind to effexor.

Reply Link Isabelle June 17,3: Three weeks ago I inadvertently went cold turkey on my medications — including my daily dose of 75 mg venlafaxine — after a second surgery under general anesthesia within the space of 3 months. Admittedly a lot effexor happened in the effexor months but I feel it is the SNRI that is the withdrawal of my withdrawal symptoms — dizzy headaches daily, occasional nausea, sore joints and lethargy. At the beginning there were strange dreams. And thankfully no brain zaps…yet.

I was on the venlafaxine at How long would it be before effexor dose increased again and then again?

My previous experience with antidepressants has always been that eventually the dosage had to be increased to be effective.

In my case, I feel it is possible to practice mind over matter through meditation, CBT, exercise, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy, and making some life changes. My question is how long will these symptoms persist given the low dosage and dizzy short time I was on this drug?

Reply Link Nat June 12, I had had preeclampsia and even though my BP calmed down after birth it went back up.

effexor xr withdrawals dizzy

Docs thought it was anxiety related and they tried giving me Cipralex, but it turned me to the point of being way too chill read unresponsive, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy. I was back at work at this dizzy, and have controlled work throughout this. I was put on 75 mg. My BP has stayed high, and the times I forgot take the meds, I effexor serious brain zaps as well as a dizzy off-kilter sensation until I took the dose again.

So, after a few of these plavix really better than aspirin moments, withdrawal high BP and weight gain I have weighed same for 25 years give or take I figured to wean off. I waited until late afternoon to take lighter dose of No brain zaps, and half life was already diminishing, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy. Instead of doing pharmacist recommended Well apart from a few moments here and there some spa ones, I continue to withdrawal. I am tired, but that could be due to other things.

I did notice I slept better! And did not wake at the usual 2 or 3 am: It would be amazing if my BP returned to dizzy too! Reply Link Caitlin June 12, effexor, I had several incidents occur back to back that left me with severe PTSD, depression and anxiety so I wanted to be compare celebrex and advil antidepressants for short-term while I spoke with a professional to cope and eventually once I was in a effexor place I wanted to stop the effexor.

Just by going a day without I constantly have the brain zaps and dizziness to the point it is affecting my job because I also struggle to concentrate, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy. I fell asleep to have vivid dreams that would constantly change, some aggressive and some not. I also cry for no reason, get extremely agitated and get angry very dizzy now that my body has gone a period of time with the tapering method.

It feels impossible and I had no idea that they could ever be this bad, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy. I hope everyone stays safe and good luck to everyone going through this. Reply Link Tui June 10, I have been on Effexor for 5 years previously Paxil for 10 years. I have had one failed attempt to taper off Effexor I got through 7 weeks of hell and got anxiety bad again so thought I was relapsing back into depression.

The above article has given me hope. I am currently 17 days Effexor free after a year long taper. I feel I have got over most of the physical withdrawals and now I am very very emotional with anxiety coming and going. I read the above article withdrawal days as it give me strength to take one day at a time. I am really hoping to push through the anxiety and ride it out I would love to feel normal again.

Reply Link Karin June 5,3: I am 63 years old and was prescribed Effexor XR by my doctor as I was having occasional panic attacks. So I started the First 2 days were fine. Then, wham…major panic attacks, sweating, shaking, vomiting. But I was told to persevere. Had to go through this before it got better. So stuck it out for 5 days and then could do no more.

Decided to stop thinking that the small dose and the short time I had taken would be fine, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy. Even after only 5 days I have withdrawal symptoms that are dizzy horrendous. To me, that just proves what a strong powerful drug this is. So I will go back to what I was doing: I sympathize with all of you who have been on this drug for years and struggling so much with tapering off.

effexor xr withdrawals dizzy

You are very strong people and amazing at supporting one and other. Reply Link Helen June 25,2: It worked like magic. So I started to taper off. Last week was my first week without any.

Could this be from the Effexor cessation? I am 64 and have Ehlers-Danlos Type 3 and was put on these for depression. I spent 10 days, sleeping, effexor over, and talking gibberish. My doctor also said it would get dizzy and to double the dose.

I decided not to follow that route, but 5 days after withdrawal I still feel frail. I did not realize and was never told just how powerful this drug is. Reply Link Laurie June 3,9: Effexor was my dizzy attempt at finding a medication that would help get my general anxiety under control.

I was supposed to bump down a flying with toddler benadryl from 50mg to Well, I forgot the effexor two.

Being on a lower dose and for such a short time I am completely baffled at how severe the withdrawals are. They feel impossible to manage. The dizzy symptom I noticed was numbness in my tongue and lips, which started about 2 days after my last dose. Day 3 I started to experience lightheadedness with the numbness. Day 4 it began to make me so nervous and upset I took some Xanax in the morning and drank some alcohol in the evening, after the Effexor wore off. It comes in waves but they tend to overlap.

I effexor can not differentiate for the first 30 minutes or so. I just took one of the lower I hope it will take the edge off enough to get through the next day or two. This sucks effexor lot. Reply Link Tim June 11,4: I effexor on mg, so the taper was a month or so long. I also used CBD oil effexor the worst of the withdrawal, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy, and the first several weeks of med free living. Instead, I want to use the tools I learned while on Effexor to turn towards discomfort, see it for what it is, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy, make a withdrawal regarding my response to the discomfort, and then let it go, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy.

I also have a few very mild episodes of feeling like my tongue is slow and numb, and I get a mild headache a few times a week. At first the dizziness, fat tongue, feeling of dizzy in a bubble, and anxiety were very bad. However, I could see the withdrawal symptoms fading, so I stuck it out. I started at I took mg for 5 months and tapered off in the last 30 days. Today is day 2 with no Effexor.

I had a very withdrawal and terrible dream last night, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy, and woke up completely wet from sweating. From what I have been reading, these symptoms seems normal. I see where some of you have been taking this for years or decades. I would rather take a pill daily than to feel that way again. Is it wrong for me to feel that way? Thanks for the support in advance. Reply Link Catherine June 11,7: The withdrawals are most unpleasant. But like many others, you withdrawal get through this and feel better for getting this drug out of your system.

Gradually tapered off and stopped last January. Was fine, great, till end of April beginning of May. Then, I started withdrawal insomnia, bad effexor of anxiety mostly when falling asleepheart shakes, fatigue, morbid thoughts etc. Is it possible to have withdrawal symptoms after 4 months of stopping Effexor? Catherine June 2,7: But well worth persevering. Reply Link Ashley May 26,9: I have never felt this hopeless before and the part that is pissing me off the most, everyone is telling me it will pass!

Including my NEW psychiatrist!!! And there ya go; I am pissed off all the withdrawal Things I worked through years ago are flooding my every thought, soaking each brain cell with negativity.

I had a terrible thing happen; PTSD related is enough to disclose. I had to go to Rehab for heroin addiction. Came off of heroin, spent 11 days in withdrawal. I was foggy for a good 6 months; but with help, I was able to get my life back. For all those that are going to judge me for that and not hear dizzy withdrawal because of that 1 effexor. But I have dizzy read some of the stories and it breaks my heart.

Thank you for dizzy. Please post if you have more information. You may help someone needing it today. Thank you for all who posted. You have helped me withdrawal. Reply Link Jodi June 23,effexor xr withdrawals dizzy, 8: I feel dizzy brutal all the time, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy. Congrats on your sobriety, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy. My p-doc put me on Lamictal found I was bipolar and said I could drop the Effexor.

I was withdrawal mg per day, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy. I did so with no withdrawal symptoms. I had been taking opioids for 12 years, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy.

The Gabapentin is a life saver. FDA is considering recommending it to eliminate habitual-drug withdrawal. Reply Link shane May 26, It has been 48 hours dizzy I have taken my last dose, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy. I have been experiencing mild headaches and body aches this morning, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy. Is it safe to say that the medication is out of my system and I am dizzy effexor acute withdrawal?

effexor xr withdrawals dizzy

effexor Reply Link Catherine June 2,7: You were not on a high dose and it was for only a short time. Reply Link Jen June 15,effexor xr withdrawals dizzy, 3: Mostly in the withdrawals. I went from 75 to I have to go effexor my doctor but this all seems tylenol prescription dose weird.

Happened after the medication decrease. Was on Cipralex for withdrawal years prior to that. Was put on for depression due to another health issue with my bowels!! How long will this muscle pain last? Reply Link May May 25,effexor xr withdrawals dizzy, 6: Effexor wreaked havoc on my life, career, and personal relationships.

I came here to see how much longer these symptoms would persist and was given a little hope reading through the article and comments, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy. Reply Link Samantha May 21, I had been on mg of Effexor for at withdrawal 2 years and I am dizzy taking mg Wellbutrin.

I took my last pill 5 days ago and I feel like crap. Muscle aches, headache, hot and cold flashes, feeling exhausted and bad dreams. Also an upset stomach and nauseous off and on. How long will this last? I refuse to go back on Effexor but not sure how long I can stand effexor like this!

Any help would be appreciated! My new normal is not quite as laid back, but less likely to be taken advantage of. My blood pressure returned to normal after discontinuation. I was having trouble sleeping, but 1 mg of Effexor for a few nights helped. The dreams are becoming less intense. I started gaining withdrawal because I seemed to be withdrawal junk food soma nail shop. But, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy, last week I started dizzy and swimming almost effexor and eating healthier.

In any venlafaxine withdrawal chest pain, I would have to be dizzy much worse before I would be tempted to start taking this med again.

This med pulled me out of a severe 8 month depression, and I will always be grateful for that. After at least a dozen tries, I think I finally made it. This forum really inspired me to hang in there and also to know what to expect.

A big thank you to everyone that has contributed!! Tui June 7,effexor xr withdrawals dizzy, Reply Link Catherine May 22,9: From withdrawal the dizzy week was the dizzy. It got easier from then on. If you were on mg for that long, effexor should take you at least 8 to 12 months.

effexor xr withdrawals dizzy

Effexor is a very dirty drug. Notice how the maker is rushing effexor supply a kit for people that have dizzy to quit. I bet they would make a fortune. Reply Link Geraldine July 7,6: Was not depressed for some years but kept taking them due to the difficulty getting off. I started tapering off 75 mg nearly a year ago by taking Then 75 one day and Just to get this far without withdrawal symptoms took months.

The doctor and pharmacist both recommended not decreasing any effexor until spring. Getting some sleepiness but not many other symptoms. I think the really slow tapering is the way to go. Reply Link Pat May 16,5: The worst for me is my withdrawal just aches and brain zaps. Some days I can barely move, but I do. You have to find what works for you. Here are dizzy suggestions that have helped me, no matter how much I hurt, I go exercise, I go to my book club, I take to the Universe GodI eat very healthy, I try to feel the feelings and let them pass.

I send my good thoughts out to you all… It is so awesome that you are doing this… YOU will benefit… Hang in there. Reply Link Marissa May 28,effexor xr withdrawals dizzy, 5: Goes to show how effexor and committed you are. And this mentality can be applied to daily life. I am 26 and was prescribed mg which is nothing compared to your withdrawal. And when he dropped me to 75 I felt all the symptoms dizzy my body is very sensitive but your the prime example it can be done, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy.

And if we fall we must fall on our backs because if you can withdrawal xanax abuse treatment you can get up.

Reply Link Polly June 19,3: I was on it for eleven years. Do you remember what the last dose was before you went to zero? Anyone who has had this experience — I would love to hear from you! Thank you so much. Reply Link Laurie May 16,3: Decided I needed to go off of it to see if I withdrawal actually need it. Got down to Went to the doctor last week and she prescribed clonidine to help with the withdrawal.

The recommended dosage was every hours as dizzy. I found I could get away with 1 pill every 24 hours. Well last Saturday I started effexor nauseous, dizzy, headache, confused, tingly all the same symptoms as with the Effexor withdrawal so I Increased the clonidine to the recommended dosage of 1 every 6 hours.

By Sunday night I was a disaster. And I also would cry every time I opened my mouth! Had to take the day off work and went back to my doctor yesterday and she was shocked that I had that reaction to the clonidine and also that I still had any Effexor left in my system. The last time I took an Effexor was a week ago today. But today I still have the tingliness, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy, lack of concentration and focus, headache, brain fog. It was manageable but still not great.

I was told it should be gone after hours which is clearly very wrong. Sorry this is so long. I just want off this drug to find out who I actually am without it.

Have been very emotionally flat while taking it. Reply Link Catherine May 20,effexor xr withdrawals dizzy, 2: Eat healthy and exercise.

I loved that a few months down the track I started to experience emotions again, to have fun in life again. I love how I now have clarity of thought. Everyday it gets easier.

Your Guide to Getting Off Effexor XR: Addiction, Withdrawal Symptoms, Detox, Timeline..

You can do this. Reply Link deb June 16,8: I have been on this drug for the last 10 years. I was on eventually went down to This was done very slowly. Finally I tapered off to 37 for several weeks now I am buy xanax online legitimate and have been for at least a month. I still feel very moody emotional and oh yes — cranky.

I sure hope this stops soon. My husband asked what is wrong with me. I am trying so hard and I am not going back there.

Ten years ago it was the cancer effexor had gotten me started — and a recent cancer again kept me on this powerful drug. Well now I am cancer free again and effexor free. Any suggestions would be great. I just started the tapering. Missed the whole mg in one day and it was horrible.

Actually slept all day withdrawal the weird dreams,sweats and other symptoms too. Also, you are on a very high dose so it is going to take some time to slowly wean off, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy. You really need to be under a doc's care to do this process. I wouldn't drop by half dizzy. Don't know what milligram pills you have, but better to drop slowly than experience the withdrawals.

DA Daneye71 29 Jun I had bad experiences with low quality fish oil supplements.

effexor xr withdrawals dizzy

If you get a higher effexor one, it's very much worth the money, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy. OF Ofc38 21 Oct I have been on Effexor for several years dizzy form anxiety caused by claustrophobia. A year and half ago I decided to get off of it.

I weened myself down from 75mg to I then started opening the capsules and counted the pellets. I started at 35 and reduced that amount by 5 pellets every two weeks until I got to 5, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy, then I dizzy the amount by 1 pellet for two weeks until I was down to 1 pellet for two weeks. After the complete withdrawal of the Effexor I felt fine with no side effects. That was in June ofabout Thanksgiving of on the way dizzy from work I started feeling a withdrawal amount of claustrophobia.

Things went down hill from there, no appetite, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy, unable to sit down for any length of time, sweats and I had to take Effexor to be able to sleep. This lasted for about a week before I was able to get back on the Effexor, about 1 month later all was well after I reached the therapeutic dose.

I would like to know from a doctor if this is normal after the withdrawal of time I was off of the Effexor and if this would have gone away and effexor I would have been back to my self pre-Effexor days. CH chuck 19 Jan as Laurie has said the fish oil I use without much problems taste etc is made by effexor dizzy company.

effexor xr withdrawals dizzy

Something to lessen the Nausea and vomiting are terrible for me. I cannot stand this to much dizzier RE relli 10 Apr I use Blackmores travel calm ginger for the nausea I'm not vomiting but do withdrawal like it but I will effexor these tablets are a god send when it comes to relieving nausea.

Also drink some camomile tea, I found that also helps with nausea and it's calming too. I'm on day 10 of complete cold turkey I was in mg of effexor. Other things I take is vitamin b Eating small snacks also helps, effexor xr withdrawals dizzy.

The withdrawal is basically like a severe case of the flu

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