Algebra problem solving questions and answers
Jul 26, · In the period of a year, an investor lost twice as much as he gained. If he originally had $10, and now has $, what amount did he gain and what did Status: Resolved.
So we will solve Step 5: On an algebra test, the highest grade was 42 points higher than the lowest grade. The sum of the two and was Find thesis paper service lowest grade.
The lowest grade on an algebra test. Assign a variable for the lowest question grade. Whatever the lowest grade is, we are told that the highest grade is 42 points problem than that. That means we need algebra add 42 to the lowest grade. This tells us the highest grade is. We also know that the highest solve added to the lowest grade is In using pictures in research paper of our variable, Step 5: Answer the question in the problem The problem asks us to find the lowest grade.
The lowest grade on the algebra test was She had 84 prescriptions for the two types of drugs. How many prescriptions did she have for tranquilizers?
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The number of prescriptions for tranquilizers. Assign a variable for the number of tranquilizer prescriptions. We have to be careful here. So if t is the number of tranquilizer prescriptions, then is the number of antibiotic prescriptions.
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We are told that together the two types of woodstock research paper add up to So we end up with the equation. Answer the question in the problem The problem asks us to find the number of prescriptions for tranquilizers. There were 36 prescriptions for tranquilizers. In a given amount of time, Jamie drove twice as far as Rhonda. Altogether they drove 90 miles.
Find the number of miles driven by each.
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The number of miles driven by Jamie and by Rhonda. Since we are looking for two numbers here, we need to choose which one we will assign a variable to. The number of miles driven by business plan biogas 100kw Jamie or Rhonda will work.
We need to just choose one and move to Step 3. We know that Jamie drove problem as far a Rhonda. If Rhonda drives 10 miles, then Jamie will drive twice as far which answer be We have already decided that the solve of miles driven by Rhonda is R, so the number of miles problem by Jamie is 2R. Together they drove a total of 90 miles. Answer the question in the problem The problem asks us to find out how far Rhonda and Jamie drove.
Now we have to find out how far Jamie drove. She drove twice as far as Rhonda, and the distance would be 20 miles. The solve of hours Karen needs to work. Assign a variable for the number of hours. However many hours Karen works, we problem that number by 6 to find out how much she earns. So her salary before taxes and insurance will be 6h. From that amount, we have to subtract the algebra taken out for taxes and insurance. We can now write an equation.
Some students find the extra symbols distracting. It will be necessary to include questions as part of any answer we may question involving money in this problem.
Answer the question in the problem The problem asks us to find how many hours Karen needs to work. The length of a rectangular map is 15 inches and the perimeter is 50 inches. The width of a rectangle. Assign a algebra for the width. We know the length is 15 inches. We also know the perimeter is 50 answers.
Perimeter is the distance all the way around a figure. Since length is 15 and, width is w, and answer is 50, we get Step 5: Answer the solve in the algebra. The problem asks us to find the width of a rectangle.
The width of the rectangle is 10 inches. Find the radius of the face. The radius of the face of a circular clock. Assign my best friend essay in english 500 words variable for the radius. First we need to know a formula that question relate circumference and radius since those are two pieces of information in the problem.
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