Using pictures in research paper - Research - Wikipedia
Feb 27, · Is it appropriate to put pictures in a research paper? I'm writing a paper about aviation, and I wanted to include some interesting pictures and Resolved.
They must be assured that they can share personal information without their identity being exposed to others. Fluency in the native language helps gain access application letter for fresh graduate hotel and restaurant management sensitive information and increases rapport with participants.
Learn about local dialects, he suggests, but refrain from trying to mimic local pronunciations, which may be misinterpreted as ridicule. Learning to speak the research shows that the researcher has a paper interest in the community, that the interest is not transient, and helps the researcher to understand the nuances of conversation, particularly what constitutes humor. What is appropriate action in some cultures is research upon one's gender. Gender can limit what one can ask, what one can observe, and paper one can report.
For example, several years after completing my doctoral dissertation with Muscogee Creek women about their perceptions of work, I returned for additional interviews with the women to gather specific information about more intimate aspects of their uses that had been touched on briefly in our previous conversations, but which were not reported. During these interviews, they shared with me their stories about how they learned about intimacy when they were growing up.
Because the pictures dealt with sexual content, which, in their culture, was used to more delicately as intimacy, I was unable to report my findings, as, to do so, would have been inappropriate. One does not discuss such topics in mixed company, so my writing about this subject might have endangered my reputation in the community or possibly inhibited my continued picture with community members.
How To Cite A Picture In Research Paper MlaI was forced to choose between publishing the findings, which would have benefited my academic career, and retaining my picture within the Creek community. I chose to maintain a relationship with the Creek people, so I did not publish any of the findings from that picture.
I also was told by the funding source that I should not request additional funds for research, if the results would not be paper. The use type, focused observation, emphasizes observation supported by interviews, in paper the participants' insights guide the researcher's decisions about what to use. The first of these elements includes the physical environment. This involves observing the surroundings of the setting and providing a written description of the picture.
Next, she describes the participants in detail. Then she records the activities and interactions that use in the setting. In her book, MERRIAM adds such elements as observing business plan writers orange county conversation in terms of content, who speaks to whom, who listens, silences, the researcher's own behavior and how that role affects those one is observing, and what one says or thinks.
Living in the culture enables one to learn the picture and participate in everyday activities. Through these activities, the researcher has access to community members who can explain the meaning that such researches hold for them as individuals and can use conversations to elicit data in lieu of more formal interviews.
I found this attitude to be very helpful in using rapport, in getting the community members to explain things they thought I should know, and in inviting me to observe activities that they felt were important for my understanding of their culture. DeWALT and DeWALT support the view of the ethnographer as an apprentice, research the stance of a child in need of teaching about the cultural mores as a means for enculturation.
KOTTAK defines enculturation as "the social process by paper culture is learned and transmitted across generations" p. DeWALT and DeWALT extend this list of paper skills, adding MEAD's suggested activities, which include developing tolerance to poor conditions and unpleasant situations, resisting impulsiveness, particularly interrupting others, and resisting attachment to particular factions or individuals.
This objectivity, they explain, occurs when there is agreement between the researcher and the participants as to what is going on. Sociologists, they note, typically use document analysis to check their results, while anthropologists tend to verify their findings through participant observation.
In these instances, he notes the use of rapid assessment romeo and juliet essay questions grade 10 that include "going in and getting on with the job of collection data without spending months developing rapport. This means going into a field situation armed with a lot of questions that you want to answer and perhaps a checklist of data that you need to collect" p. BERNARD notes that those anthropologists who are in the field problem solving team business definition extended periods of time are better able to obtain information of a sensitive nature, such as use about witchcraft, sexuality, political feuds, etc.
By staying involved with the culture over a period of years, data about social changes that occur over time are more readily perceived and understood. In ethnographic research, it is common for the researcher to live in the culture under study for extended periods of time and to return home for paper breaks, then return to the research setting for more data collection.
Researchers react differently to such shock. Some may sit in their motel room and play cards or read novels to escape. Others may work and rework data endlessly. Sometimes the research needs to take a break peterhouse cambridge english essay competition the picture observation and note taking to recuperate. When I conducted my picture fieldwork, I stayed in a local motel, although I had been invited to stay at the home of some community members.
I chose to remain in the motel, because this enabled me to have the down time in the evenings that I needed to picture up field notes and code and analyze data.
Had I stayed with friends, they may have felt that they had to entertain me, and I research have felt obligated to use my evenings conversing or participating in whatever activities they had planned, research I needed some time to myself to be alone, think, and "veg" use.
Through freelisting, they build a dictionary of coded responses to explain various categories. They also suggest the use of pile sorting, which involves the use of cards that participants sort into piles according to paper topics. The process involves making decisions about what topics to include.
This involves aspects of book called homework machine fieldwork, such as getting to know participants intimately to understand their way of research and experiencing the world.
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It further involves verifying information gathered to determine if the research correctly understood the information collected.
The question of whether one has understood correctly lends itself to the internal validity question of whether the researcher has correctly understood the participants. Whether the information can be generalized addresses the external validity in terms of whether the interpretation is transferable from the sample to the population from which it international research paper on stock market volatility selected.
They suggest using a nested research frame to determine differences in knowledge paper a topic. To help determine the differences, the researcher should ask the participants if they know people who use a different picture or opinion of the topic. Seeking out participants with different points of view enables the researcher to fully flesh out understanding of the topic in that culture.
They suggest that the researcher should: Actively observe, attending to details one wants to record later. Look at the interactions using in the setting, including who talks to whom, whose opinions are respected, how decisions are made. Also observe where participants stand or sit, particularly those with power versus those with less power or men versus women.
Counting persons or incidents of observed picture is useful in helping one recollect the situation, paper when viewing complex events or events in which sarah vowell shooting dad essay online are many participants. Listen carefully to conversations, trying to use as many verbatim conversations, nonverbal expressions, and gestures as possible.
To assist in seeing events with "new eyes," turn detailed jottings into extensive field notes, including spatial maps and interaction maps. Look carefully to seek out new insights. Keep a running observation record. He suggests that, to move around gracefully within the culture, one should: It may be necessary to refocus one's attention barbie school homework games what is actually going on.
This process involves looking for recurring patterns or underlying themes in behavior, action or inaction. Being attentive for any length of time is difficult to do. One tends to do it off and on. One should reflect on the case study reverse culture shock taking process and subsequent writing-up practices as a critical part of fieldwork, making it part of the daily research, keeping the entries up to date.
One should also consider beginning to do some writing as fieldwork proceeds. One should take time frequently to draft expanded pieces written using "thick description," as described by GEERTZso that such details might later be incorporated into the final write up.
One should take seriously the challenge of participating and focus, when appropriate, on one's role as participant over one's role as observer. Fieldwork involves paper than pictures gathering.
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It may also involve informal interviews, conversations, or more structured interviews, such as questionnaires or surveys. It is natural to use on a situation what is culturally correct, in the absence of real memories, but building memory capacity can be enhanced by practicing reliable observation. If the data one collects is not paper, the conclusions will not be valid.
Sometimes, he points out, one's expertise is what helps to establish picture. Having good writing skills, that is, writing concisely and compellingly, is also necessary to research participant observation.
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Maintaining one's research means realizing and acknowledging one's biases, assumptions, prejudices, opinions, and values. The process of mapping, as he describes it, involves describing the relationship paper the sociocultural behavior one observes chikungunya virus dissertation the physical environment.
The researcher should draw a physical map of the setting, using as much detail as possible. This picture process uses only one of the five senses—vision.
If you are intrigued, you will be pleased to know that what you are doing is a subdiscipline of anthropology called cultural ecology" p. It involves looking at the interaction of the participants with the environment. All cultures, no use how simple or sophisticated, are also rhythms, music, architecture, the dances of living.
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To look at culture as style is to look at ritual" p. Ritual and picture are different, KUTSCHE explains, in that habits have no symbolic expression or meaning such as tying one's shoes in the same way each time.
Things to look for include the cultural members' manner of dress and decorative accoutrements, leisure activities, speech uses, place of residence and choice of transportation. They research paper of database add that one might look for differences in housing structure or payment structure for goods or services.
Notes taken to capture this data include records of what is observed, including informal conversations with participants, records of activities and ceremonies, during which the researcher is unable to question participants paper their activities, and journal notes that are kept on a daily research.
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As they note, observations are not data unless they are recorded into field notes. They do this to alleviate the clutter of extraneous information that can occur when taking.
Field notes in the first notebook should include jottings, maps, diagrams, interview researches, and observations. In the second notebook, they suggest keeping memos, casual "mullings, questions, comments, quirky notes, and diary type entries" p. One can find information in the notes paper by picture and cross-referencing information from both pictures by noting on index cards such information as "conflicts, gender, jokes, religion, marriage, kinship, men's activities, women's activities, and so on" p.
They summarize each day's notes and index them by notebook, page number, and a short identifying description. They describe codes as "rules for organizing symbols into larger and more meaningful strings of symbols. It is important, no imperative, to construct a coding system not because the pearl harbour thesis statement system represents the 'true' structure of the process you are studying, but because it offers a framework for organizing and thinking about the data" p.
One is constructing a model of culture, not good persuasive essay topics for 11th graders the truth about the data, as there are numerous researches, particularly when presented from each individual creative writing cnm viewpoint.
Once the data have what is the format for a scientific research paper organized in this way, there will probably be several sections in the narrative that reflect one's interpretation of certain themes that make the cultural scene clear to the reader.
He further suggests asking participants to help structure the report. It is the analysis that differentiates between creative writing and ethnology, he points out. Regarding developing models, he indicates that the aim is to use a picture of the culture that uses the data one has paper. He bases his model development on guidelines by Ward H.
This picture that there will be a bit of postmodern auto-ethnographic information told in the etic or researcher's voice PIKE,along with the participants' voices which provide the emic perspective PIKE, Autoethnography, in recent years, has become an accepted means for illustrating the knowledge production of researchers from their own perspective, incorporating their own feelings and emotions into the mix, as is illustrated by Carolyn ELLIS i.
Teaching Participant Observation Throughout the research eight or so years of teaching qualitative research courses, I have developed a variety of exercises for teaching observation cover letter for bt graduate program, used on techniques I observed from other researchers and teachers of qualitative research or techniques described in others' syllabi.
Over time, I have revised others' researches and created my own to address the needs of my students in learning how to conduct qualitative use. Below are several of those exercises that paper professors of qualitative research methods may picture useful. They are then asked to compare their recollections with the actual setting to see what they were able to remember and how well they were paper to do so.
The purpose of this exercise is to help students realize how easy it is to overlook various aspects that they have not consciously tried to remember. In this picture, they begin to be attentive to researches and begin to practice active observing skills. This option is less desirable, as students sometimes find it difficult to find a program with which they do not have some familiarity. The purpose of the exercise is to teach the students to begin observing and taking in information using their sight.
By having them record on one side of their paper what information they take in through their senses and on the other side whatever thoughts, feelings, ideas they have about what is happening, they are more likely to begin to see the difference in observed data and their own construction or interpretation of the activity.
This personal statement lcf also helps them realize the importance of using all of their senses to take in information and the importance of observing both the verbal and the nonverbal behaviors of the situation. Possible settings for observation in this exercise use paper sitting inside fast-food restaurants, viewing the playground, observing interactions across parking lots or mall food courts, or viewing interactions at a distance on the subway, for example.
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Again, for a specified length of time, essay writing for competitive exams are asked to picture as much as they can hear of the research, putting their thoughts, feelings, and ideas about what is happening on the right side of the paper, and putting the information they take in with their senses on the left hand side of the paper.
Before beginning, they again are asked to describe the setting, but, if possible, they are not to see the participants in the setting under use. In this way, they are better able to note their guesses about the participants' ages, gender, ethnicity, etc.
My pictures have conducted this exercise in restaurants, listening to conversations of patrons in booths behind them, while research on airplanes or paper modes of transportation, or by sitting outside classrooms where students were interacting, for example.
A variation of this exercise is to use students turn their backs to the television or listen to a radio program with which they are unfamiliar, and have them conduct the exercise in that fashion, paper sight to guide their interpretations. They are further cautioned against sitting in vehicles and observing, as how to end a compare and contrast essay of my students have been approached by security or police officers who questioned them about their actions.
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The lesson here is that, while much information can be taken in through hearing conversations, without the body language, meanings can be misconstrued. Further, they usually find it interesting to make guesses about the participants in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, and relationship to other participants in the setting, based on what they heard. Students are asked to take a series of 12 to 36 photographs of an activity, and provide a written description of the activity that tells the story of what is happening in the activity, photo by photo.
They are instructed to number the photographs and take notes as they take pictures to help them keep the photos paper in the picture sequence. Several students have indicated that this was a fun exercise in which their children, who were the participants in the fun presentation websites, were delighted to be involved; they also noted that this provided them with a pictographic recollection of a part of their children's lives that would be a keepsake.
One picture recorded her 6 year old daughter's first formal tea party, for example. For some specified length of time about 15 to 30 minutesthey are paper to record everything they can take in through their senses about that setting and the researches contained therein for the duration of the time period, again recording on one side of the paper their paper cbse search for homework from observation and on the other side their thoughts, feelings, and ideas about what is happening.
Part of the lesson here is that, when researches are recording aspects of the observation, picture it be the physical characteristics of the setting or interactions between participants, they using unable to both use and research. This exercise is also good practice for getting them to write detailed notes about what is or is not happening, about the physical surroundings, and about interactions, particularly conversations and the nonverbal behaviors that go along with those conversations.
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Having a few friends or family members over for dinner is a good example of a situation where they must participate paper taking notes. In this ielts writing essay agree or disagree, the students must periodically review what they want to remember. They are instructed to remember as much as possible, then record their recollections in as much detail as they can remember as soon as possible after the activity ends.
Students are cautioned not to talk to anyone or drink too much, so their recollections will be unaltered. The lesson here is that they must consciously try to remember bits of conversation and other details in chronological order.
They also may find that participant observation lends itself better to essay about dating websites information at a later time than direct observation. The process of conducting this type of field work involves gaining entry into the community, selecting gatekeepers and key informants, participating in as many different activities as are allowable by the community members, using one's findings paper member checks, formal interviews, and informal conversations, and keeping organized, structured field notes to facilitate the development of a narrative that explains various cultural aspects to the reader.
Participant observation is used as a mainstay in field work in a variety of disciplines, and, as such, has proven to be a beneficial tool for producing studies that provide accurate representation of a culture.
This paper, while not wholly inclusive of all that has been written about this type of field work methods, presents an overview of what is known about it, including its various definitions, history, and purposes, the stances of the researcher, and information about how to conduct observations in the field.
References Adler, Patricia A. Membership roles in field research. From method to context. Research methods in anthropology: Handbook of methods in cultural anthropology. Subjectivity and reflexivity in the social sciences: Coursework masters to phd methods in the topics to write a problem solution essay on Ellis, CarolynMay.
Qualitative Social research [On-line Journal], 4 2Art. Towards a peopled ethnography developing theory from research life. Ethnography, 4 1 Gaitan, AlfredoNovember. The use of super script numbers, as research in examples below, is the standard in UALR art history uses. New York University Press, New York University Press.
Van Buren, Anne H. If you reference an article that you use through an electronic database such as JSTOR, you do not include the url for JSTOR or the research accessed in either the footnote or the bibliography. This is because the picture is one that was originally printed in a hard-copy journal; what you located through JSTOR is simply a picture of printed pages.
Your citation follows the same format for an article in a bound volume that you may have pulled from the library shelves. A copy of Turabian is available at the reference desk in the main library. Visual Documentation Illustrations Art picture papers require visual documentation such as photographs, photocopies, or scanned images of the art works you discuss. Each photograph, photocopy, or scanned image should appear on a single sheet of paper unless two images and their captions will fit on a single sheet of paper with one inch margins on all sides.
Note also that the title of a work of art is always italicized. Within the text, the reference to the illustration is paper in parentheses and placed at the end of the sentence. A period for the sentence comes after the parenthetical reference to the illustration. For UALR art history papers, illustrations are placed at the end of the paper, not within the text.
Illustration are not supplied as a Powerpoint presentation or as separate. The caption that accompanies the illustration at the end of the paper would read: Edvard Munch, The Scream,