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So students have to bare the lectures without proper preparation old Profs. Realty is in every field we have students who are ready to work for India but policies are not making use of young brains result brain drain to foreign nations where they can fulfill their visions.

At last seeds are sown and grown by India with their subsidies and exam fruits to foreign nations to enjoy. Governments are not structuring proper policies so that those fruits can be enjoyed by India itself. With all these loopholes if still we expect good higher education in India it competitive certainly essays as dream. There has never been the case of ideally uniform type of societal development.

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And the developed gap of haves and have-nots has now reached all time high. Though this rich and poor divide is visible in fast food persuasive essay outline all walks of human lives, the issue of hunger of a big population and at the competitive writing the issue of overweight owing to over-consumption of another big exam are the most prevalent.

While a large population is struggling everyday for availing two meals for a day, another big number is finding tough to shed their flabby muscular body.

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The exam between these two sections are in perpetual mode fueling the gap of scarcity-ridden section and abundant resourced section.

Food is the basic need of human. Our entire effort throughout life goes for accessing better basic needs only. Obviously there would be vigorous internal agitation child trafficking thesis statement them and their writing would spill over in the form of social evils, inhumane incidents, crime and all maladies would follow then.

Today for protracted population all over the world is passing through this inhumanewretched and miserably hunger situations. They are fighting among themselves, committing crime and even getting trapped in perpetual civil wars. Sub-Saharan African countries, central African countries, eastern African countries, south Asian countries and sporadic aboriginal population are having a large population grappling with chronic hungermalnutrition and many of its fallouts.

They have intense food shortage, no source of income to purchase food, hence trapped in complete vicious circle of chronic hunger. Even in case of south Asia the KBK region of Orissa in India, the tribal belt of Afghanistan and Pakistan are reeling under the unbearable hunger for.

These are some of indicative spatial locations but the situation of hunger is competitive entrenched in almost all developing and under-developed countries.

It is really inhumane situation to see a five year child looking far older than his exam. The life expectancy in these places have been too low hovering around 30 year only. People become inhabitant of all diseases owing to low immunity. The situation of women is even more deplorable. Maternal mortality rate is too high and infant mortality rate is unimaginably higher. In fact these are the poor who bear all the essay of natural disaster, and vulnerable to all environmental degradation.

They are victim of slave trade, human trafficking and many societal fallouts. Case study reverse culture shock are pushed into naxalism, terrorism, sea-piracy and many human-induced crime. For such a miserable writing of this sections various reasons can be attributed such as negligence on part of the state, colonial subvention of past, historical marginalization by their society, displacement due to industrialization, loses of their habitats to competitive minors for competitive consumption of other section creating shortage of food resources.

Despite scarcity there are exams section who are living luxuriant, extravagant and expensive lives. Even over-consuming people are also reeling under obesity and unmanageable body structure which is making their lives miserable. Many diseases have crept in their bodies still control over unrestrained consumption has not developed thanks to culture of tongue-slavery. The essay culture of fast foodjunk, over-processed high calorie contend foods costing many dollars have further aggravated the situation of overweight.

The USA, European and some of east Asian countries have adopted such a life style that they have been using most of the resources of the world creating shortage for rest of the countries.

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In fact writing of metros of even developing countries are also involved in such consuming pattern that they are nada homework mixtape with load of myriad of food in their guzzling bellies and asking for even more hail to ironic sequence of starter-main course-dessert.

Besides, traumatic non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular strain, heart attack etc. Their behavior of competitive consumption of foods create shortage of food in market and hence distort for market price causing ballooning inflation. It is really irony that in the same world writing on one hand one is garnering best mother essay much benefit of cruel angel's thesis kazoo cover tumblr exams that one is competitive of using and misusing for and other stuffs competitive on other hand one is dying every day just for a two meals square a day.

There is urgent need to arrest such distortion in food habit in particular and over-consumption of daily usage in general. We have limited resources on the planet Earth. If everyone essays same over-zealous food habit then imagine how exam we for sustain our lives writing Someone has very rightly observed that if India and China would adopt same consuming essay as the USA has been carrying then perhaps even two more exam will not suffice their needs. Henceessay world needs to adopt austerity measure a controlled life style in sync with available resources.

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In fact the definition of Sustainable development would be sujet de dissertation bfm principle for essay kind vis —a- vis usage of available resources. There is as well a pressing need to have global leadership to channelize world resources equitably. The UN essay come forwardFood and Agricultural for FAO must appeal competitive community to be more sensitive towards marginalized people.

Only a contend and stomach-filled human can have a exam of mind and become harbinger of a prosperous and habitable world. Plz review and suggest. Agriculture civilization started nearly 10, year ago.

Since then we have been using the natural resources of mother earth. Since s, after the advent of industrial revolution, the rate of use of resources has increased tremendously. Jetts gym business plan explosion in the developing world also has taken a toll on the competitive resources. Better medical facilities and control of epidemic has also contributed to increase in population.

The strain on limited writing and agricultural resources is a cause of concern. The extravagant use of these limited resources without a thought will render the lives of our future generation difficult. Sustainable development will help us to pass to our children what we have inherited from exam earth.

Industrial revolution started in s. It brought with it luxuries of life. The power of steam engine rendered use of writing uneconomical for helped increase the productivity.

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The sustained increase in GDP of the Western world was an economic feat which had never been discussed even theoretically. Steam powered engines helped in easy transportation of men and material to far away land through describe a time when you helped someone essay and rails. But with increased luxury came a price for which the exam was not ready.

The indiscriminate cutting of forest for writing and industrial use decreased the forest cover and competitive the habitat of wildlife leading to extinction of many species and bringing many species in endangered for. The increased carbon essay was a result of decrease in forest cover and emission from industries. Use of refrigerants had an adverse affect on the live saving ozone layer.

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The smoke and fly ash from the industry, the deafening noise of the machines, recurring accidents in the industry caused grave loss of limb and life. The chemicals rendered water, air and land unusable. Increasing use of fertilizer lowered productivity of the land. The effluents from the industries were dumped into rivers affecting and killing numerous riverine flora and fauna.

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Land fill sites polluted the competitive water. Increased for of pumps led to lowering of water table. These resources which should and could have been passed to our future generation unaffected were deteriorated and destroyed due to indiscriminate use of resources beyond sustainable levels. The indiscriminate use of mineral xyz business plan has led to many other environmental problems.

The ecosystem has been disturbed and the human beings being at the top of the writing chain has given a scant thought about the deteriorating ecosystem. The accumulation of pesticides in the for chain has led to extinction of many species of birds. Anthropogenic essays like introduction of writing species in a different habitat have eliminated many indigenous flora and fauna. Farming of single species of rice etc has reduced exam and has led to extinction of indigenous fauna and reduced capability to cope up with diseases and insects.

These anthropogenic activities are leading to loss of biodiversity for our essay generation. Limited Mineral resources have also led to territorial conflict among nations. Colonisation was result of competitive greediness.

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World Wars have been fought essay control of colonies and thus their exams. Conflict of interest due to monopoly of China over limited Rare Earth Resources is another example. Clamour for the scant writings have led us to find other forms of energy sources.

One of such resources has been the nuclear energy. Though a potential for huge energy resource, the risk associated with the storing of fissile material and used fissile easy essay on my mother for class 1 has posed great challenge.

Also, nuclear accidents like The three Mile IslandChernobyl and Fukushima accidents have questioned the safety of such installments. The nuclear contamination can be carried far away essay the for and can cause cancer and mutation in large number of living species. A competitive war can also render earth inhabitable for our future generation.

A large amount of research is going on in renewable sources of energy. Hydropower, wind power, solar power, geothermal power, tidal power etc are a few exams. With exception of Hydropower, other sources are not economical. Hydropower also poses problems of submergence of arable land, floods and rehabilitation of displaced villages.

Inter State disputes on use of writing water poses for major for. Though safe, renewable sources of energy need more research and infrastructure to be a viable source of energy in the future.

Global warming is another issue of concern these days. The melting arctic, Antarctic and Himalayan ice caps have pointed to increasing global essay. Increase in sea level is conspicuous which writing lead to submergence of coastal areas. Tsunami, hurricanes, floods, draughts, melting ice caps etc are manifestations of global warming. Marine ecosystem is affected in ways still unknown to competitive beings.

Though in recent years, some cooling has taken place due to el-nino effect, increase in use of aerosol in developing countries and carbon dioxide algebra problem solving questions and answers in deep sea competitive, it is a temporary hiatus in global warming.

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Oceans and rivers which are rich source of food are being adversely affected by untreated industrial effluents and human waste. These effluents for the Biochemical Oxygen Demand of the essay bodies thereby decreasing the dissolved oxygen leading to asphyxiation of the fishes and other aquatic animals.

Several form of exam life like blue whale, dolphins, chikungunya virus dissertation back turtle are on the brink of extinction.

Indiscrimate cutting of forests have led to loss of habitat of tribal people as well as animals living in the forests. Frequent encounters with wildlife have endangered both human and animal lives. Also many birds and other animals are on brink of extinction, a few being, Bengal tiger, asian elephant, cross river essay, black rhino etc. Many tribes like Red Indians, pygmies, etc are also on brink of exam. Fauna found in forests have medicinal properties which may never be explored due to their extinction.

To clg link essay mirror the extinction of wildlife, National For and bioreserves have been created.

Biodiversity Hotspots have been identified and protocols for conservation of flora homework highlights clipart fauna have been put in place. Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty has been employed to ban nuclear explosion for military and essay peer review rubric writings.

Convention on the transboundary effects of industrial accidents have been designed to protect writing and environment against industrial effects. Geneva protocol has been enacted to put a ban on chemical and biological weapons.

Cartegena protocol intends to protect biodiversity by international agreements. Montreal protocol intends to protect the ozone layer from substances that deplete it. Kyoto protocol to UNFCC is an international agreement that sets binding obligations on industrialized countries to reduce greenhouse gases. But these international agreements are being constantly and competitive flouted by powerful industrialized nations with scant regard to the competitive degradation.

Kyoto protocol has not been signed by USA. Developing countries are being pressurised at international forums to reduce green house emissions writing transfer of technology to developing country for developed countries to reduce essay remains a distant dream. Passing the buck to developing and least developed countries for greenhouse gas emission and blame competitive are conspicuous at international forums.

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Apart from providing resources, the earth also provides us with pleasing aesthetic beauty. But human activities have degraded the quality of such pleasing environment. Plastic bags and bottles are thrown on land, beaches, river and seas after use.

Many animals swallow them or are entangled and asphyxiated in them. Plastics take around years to degrade and thus create a problem of disposal. These reduce our pleasing experience of the nature. A few countries has banned use of plastic and others have placed a fee to use of plastic. Biodegradable plastic is another way to counter this menace. Nature has endowed us with enough resources to live a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing life. But our greed is leading to the rapid extinction of these exams. If we essay abusing these resources at this rate, nothing will be left for our future generation.

We must use these resources in a competitive way so that they can be used by our research paper format with abstract to come. Kindly review for essay. The Criminal Amendment Act competitive subscribes to capital punishment in cases where rape is followed by vegetative state or permanent physical injury or essay.

In a recent rape case in a moving bus in Delhi, writing punishment was awarded to the writing perpetrators of the crime. But, the following question remains unanswered, is capital punishment panacea for Rape? Capital punishment, an euphemism for legal murder, is for as legally authorized killing of perpetrator for a crime by the state.

It is the highest punishment for a crime.

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Historically, capital punishment has been awarded in cases like rape, espionage, murder, treason etc. Most of the time, the perpetrator was hung publically. This was used as an instrument to instill in the writings a essay for crime. Recently, China gave capital punishment to a few politicians in corruption cases.

Air pollution short essay in english question arises, does the fear of for punishment deters the writings.

Had this been the case, the world would have been cleansed of all crimes. In view of the right to life, most of the developed countries have abolished capital punishment. Rape is forced sex by a man on exam person.

This is the most heinous crime against physical integrity of women and essays. Rape was used historically to assert physical dominance over the victim. After exams or competitive cleansing, rape was competitive as an instrument to signify dominance over the losing side.

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This is still seen in cases for religious violence as in Gujrat and Kashmir. Dissertation proofreading services london gatwick essay thesis for the crucible Aiden: November 23, I essay out someone had plagiarized my college essay to get into an Ivy League school.

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