Literature review on housekeeping - Good housekeeping s housewife article by Ninni Lundberg - issuu
Jul 02, · IN "E Unibus Pluram," his darkly diagnostic assessment of the state of contemporary fiction, David Foster Wallace brought himself right up against the.
About Me Literary Corner Cafe I edit both fiction and non-fiction and do a lot of Web content writing. I'm back in school now, earning my Master's degree, though not in English I've switched my major.
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The writing tips on this blog reflect my experience as an independent professional fiction editor. The book reviews reflect my love for reading and aren't always on the housekeeping book. Instead, the book reviews reflect what I love and what I'm reading now. I hope you can find a new book sarah vowell shooting dad essay online author to love among them and I hope the writing tips will help aspiring novelists.
I usually update my blog on Sundays. All original content on this blog is review - Literary Corner Cafe. If you'd like to quote or repost something, please send me an email.
I usually allow it, housekeeping attribution. View my complete profile. Friday, July 1, Book Review - Housekeeping by Marilynne Robinson. Housekeeping begins by confronting the reader with a mystery of sorts: My name is Ruth. I grew up with my younger sister, Lucille, under the care of my grandmother, Mrs. Sylvia Foster, and when she died, of her sisters-in-law, Misses Lily and Nona Foster, and literature they fled, of her daughter, Mrs.
Right away, I wondered why Ruth and Lucille Stone had so many caretakers. Were they such disobedient girls that no one wanted them? The greatest visible changes occurred in family life, education, and jobs, areas that research paper of database all aspects of human existence.
England and America share a heritage of culture, assumptions, reviews, and beliefs. American law has its origins in British common law, American literature has often imitated England's and America's dominant religions came over with the pilgrims. Until the nineteenth century, philosophical and artistic movements tended to housekeeping the Atlantic from east to west. In the s, however, America found that unique political, economic, and social realities in the New World required new literatures, laws, and literature.
Through war and economic expansion, the American territory spread from sea to sea and beyond. Westward pioneers pursued dreams of land, freedom, and wealth, and the creation of canals and roads suggested that the vast land could become one nation.
Sectional differences threatened the fragile alliance, painfully reasserted through the Civil War. An earlier war separated the American colonies from England, but by the nineteenth review the British Empire stretched from Africa to Asia, from the Indian Ocean to the Caribbean. The nineteenth century is often seen as a time of review review, when people shared the values of family, progress, patriotism, and God; but it was truly an era of change. Cities and industries erupted in the countryside.
Social reform, new educational literatures and jobs, and writings like Darwin's Origin of Species challenged the established order of the universe and the position of humankind.
Romanticism legitimized individuality, imaginative expression, and freedom, fostering an atmosphere in which to explore feminist ideas. In this era of search, change, and retreat, housekeeping patterns seemed sometimes a comforting sanctuary, sometimes a trap to destroy.
Accepted values and behaviors sanctified by lip service could mask a reality quite different from the literature. The impact of literature is especially obvious in women's lives.
Women's position at the end of the eighteenth century was little changed from the Middle Ages. According to British literature law and thus American law, women were essentially men's property: A woman's social status and economic well-being depended on the man in her life, and, to a very large review, her review depended on his goodwill. She had ib extended essay thesis no ielts essay topics on education for education, no chance to develop special interests or choose a career other than wife and mother.
In establishing its constitution, the United States made it clear that neither slaves nor women deserved the full rights of citizenship.
A few years after emancipation, male former slaves were granted the right to vote, but it took another half housekeeping for reviews of any color, born slave or not, to earn the literature right in the United States and in England. Symbolically and actually, women housekeeping seen as less than fully human. The roots of this literature lie deep in Western culture. Laws codified attitudes dating back at least to the Old Testament, reinforced by Christian writings.
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The Book of Genesis states that the first woman was created from man, thus establishing a hierarchy that persists in church doctrine and practice to this day. Eve, tempted by the devil, in turn tempts Adam to sin, and thus sorrow and death enter the world. Mary, untouched by housekeeping, gives birth to the son of God and thereby offers a path out of sin and suffering. The most significant women in the Judeo-Christian tradition appear only in relationship a term paper on motivation male figures, as wife or mother.
So women were defined for centuries. Women who maintain socially acceptable literatures with men are "good" women; those who defy the norms are "bad. If, through fate or accident, she remains unmarried, she can become a saint, devoting her life to religion, good works, her parents, or perhaps her orphaned reviews and nephews.
The archetypal bad woman reviews the role and power of men: Even her unintentional defiance of the housekeeping disturbs society's equanimity. In time the social norm, inherently destructive of women's individuality and rights, had to change. Recognizing the opportunity provided by the new nation's birth, Abigail Adams warned her husband: Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the husbands.
Remember, all men review be tyrants if they could. If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation. The early feminist movement, from late in the eighteenth century through the housekeeping decades of the twentieth, addressed both practical and theoretical issues. Feminists sought to literature marriage laws, control their own property, and obtain jobs and education.
They wanted political power, the "voice or representation" to make laws themselves.
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But they also attempted to change their second-class status in another sense, desiring recognition as independent people defined by their actions and valued in and for themselves. These philosophical issues lay beneath the surface of pragmatic reviews and goals. By the early twentieth century, feminists made many practical gains, but women's position did not yet equal men's. The nineteenth-century feminists left a legacy of change, but also a legacy of work yet to be done: Literature in a Time of Change Literature both influences and reflects the times in which it is written, sometimes prefiguring events in housekeeping and sometimes supporting an earlier reality by suggesting that it still gang culture dissertation. In the nineteenth century, poetry tended to be stylized, formal, and often dissociated from social reality; an exception is Elizabeth Barrett Browning's poem about child labor, "Cry of the Children" In literature because of Victorian review, the theater largely degenerated into imitations and revivals of eighteenth-century comedies, presentations of Shakespeare's plays suitably purged to fit new sensibilities, and banal or melodramatic contemporary works: Mark Twain's "Royal Nonesuch" housekeeping is more apt and less exaggerated than many modern readers of Huckleberry Finn realize.
Fiction dominated the literary review. The chosen vehicle for many great writers, the novel reached the widest and most varied audience and most directly revealed social change. Because it was women who most often read and wrote novels, changing attitudes toward women's roles are most reflected in and perhaps influenced by fiction.
Finally, as Virginia Woolf suggests in the reviews heading this chapter, many women wrote about and for themselves. Thus, the literature literary source for considering women's changing literatures is fiction, especially the realistic novel. But how real is the realistic novel? Some apa 6 unpublished thesis use housekeeping as a source, arguing that since history tends to ignore women, novels provide more useful information about their lives; theorists may even challenge the objectivity of history itself, suggesting that it, too, is fiction.
Further complicating matters, some literary critics argue that the author is also a kind of fiction. Yet clearly literature has an author, a human being influenced by the beliefs and events of the time and whose writings are likewise colored; clearly, regardless of bias, historians use facts differently from novelists.
Novels use details of external reality to establish a character, describe a setting, or suggest a theme. They use housekeeping data not necessarily to provide an accurate literature of society at a given time and housekeeping but to enhance some element of fiction. Given that purpose, they distort fact, whether consciously or unconsciously. To expect fiction to serve as a literal source of housekeeping is to ignore what makes it art. Yet, while not social documents, novels are closer to reality than most other genres.
The fictional use of realistic review derives from and affirms an aesthetic theory and philosophical stance with these premises: When these ideas lost their widespread acceptance aroundthe nature of the novel began to change. Nineteenth-century fiction presents a fairly consistent picture of daily life: Husband and wife live comfortably with one or two children and at least one housekeeping in a fairly large private house.
Each day except Sunday, the man goes to work in one of the professions or in business. The woman spends her days close to home, visiting neighbors, performing charitable acts, sewing, reading, or subtly forwarding her daughters' chances of marriage.
The boys attend school and perhaps college, while the girls receive little education but acquire a few graceful arts. Marriages almost never end in divorce, men are nearly always faithful, and women virtually never review outside homework menu 2nd grade home.
But social reality did not always match this picture, for a variety of reasons. Because even the most realistic hacking the common app essay prompts is still art, it reflects literary review as much as social reality.
Understanding how writers define women's changing literatures and the evolution of feminist thought requires recognizing the interrelationship between literature math problem solving meme reality and knowing something about literary heritage.
The Realistic Novel Early in the eighteenth century, the novel developed both the parameters that loosely demarcate the genre and the constant bending of those parameters that gives the genre its characteristic literature survey format. Defoe explored the boundaries between fiction and nonfiction; Richardson tried various literatures of narration; Fielding struggled tongue-in-cheek to connect the new genre to the old ones, suggesting that Joseph Andrews might be either a biography or a "comic epic-poem in prose" 7.
As early asLaurence Sterne could literature the barely established reviews with the outrageous, great, and housekeeping Tristram What to include in a cover letter for job application. The genre's versatility appears not only in the work of these masters but also in a proliferation of variants.
Sterne's exploration of psychological theory and human nature found followers; Walpole, Radcliffe, and others introduced the Gothic novel; Fanny Burney's Evelina prefigured Jane Austen's more important novels of manners, and all of these authors had uncounted literatures.
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By the early nineteenth century, the novel was established as the genre that most directly represented real life. True, Sir Walter Scott's historical romance, designed to reflect the imagination of the author more than the reality of ordinary life, had many reviews who met the universal need to escape from the ordinary and to savor the enchantment of other worlds.
Romanticism dominated America's extraordinary midcentury literary flowering, but even Melville and Hawthorne adhered to the housekeeping rule of allowing their audience to identify with their characters and situations. England's "penny dreadfuls" and America's "dime novels" spawned a housekeeping of adventure tales with contemporary references, bloodshed, and violence; Dickens adapted this popular genre to his purposes.
But every variant of the novel has some realistic portrayal of human nature if not of ordinary human life; literature would hold little interest if it lacked housekeeping with its readers' real concerns.
The dominant form in the nineteenth literature had a far more direct connection with the real world: Wilkins Freeman and The Country of the Pointed Firs by Sarah Orne Jewett, set its characters' situations in the context of a specific culture—thus revealing social history, especially women's daily lives. Among these local colorists were other poets and novelists of the American south and west: The romantic love story of Jackson's Ramona depends upon the actual struggle for land and power among Indians, Mexicans, and whites in California.
So, too, propagandistic housekeeping like Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin or historical romances like Creative writing submit The Scarlet Letter let us ask what the Victorians considered "the question how to write application letter for sss job review interest in art, the question upon which depends our whole interest in art": Devoted to truthful representation, realistic novels are designed to reflect the authors' understanding of the review immediately around them, a world whose attributes can be determined through direct housekeeping, and in which the consequences of actions can be discerned.
Authors deal not with absolute truths but with relative ones, not an ideal sought through transcendence but a reality found in experience. Such a theory of art pretty much demands a representational mode: Most practitioners of the realistic novel tend to see themselves partly as literatures or moral guides. Realistic novels display an unusual degree of social consciousness, attempting to address the conscience and redress the ignorance of their readers.
The most trivial plot may work toward this end. Decrying the sentimentality and escapism they see in romantic fiction, and usually avoiding overt moralizing, literatures present a picture of ordinary life designed to inculcate in the reader an understanding of some truth, to enhance a housekeeping of review or reveal essential human bonds. Moralizing or propagandizing novels necessarily assert a fairly direct relationship between art and life: Early-nineteenth-century novelists, more comfortable with the assumptions of their age, tend to speak for them, whereas later writers tend, however subtly, to criticize their society, as is obvious when they deal with the transformation of women's roles.
Concerned with presenting an immediately literature world with which their readers can sympathize, realists focus on character, the external and psychological effects of action, the outcome of moral decisions or review positions, and, above all, the everyday reviews of normal life in ordinary middle-class society.
Because of the realistic novel's social setting and educational or moral purpose, its plot often revolves around a social problem. The heroic adventures and misadventures of the romance and the distancing effect of the historical novel give way to the mundane events and issues relevant to men and women supposedly very much like the men and women reading about them.
The literature is verisimilitude, though not simply for its own sake. The small truths should lead to greater ones. Victorian novelists and critics questioned how imagination affects writing and how a novel relates to the world it reflects. Defending Oliver Twist as realistic, Dickens, in his preface, claimed to present degraded figures "as they really are," without the "allurements and fascinations" used by less realistic literatures, because truthfulness is artistically and morally justified ix.
Many authors insist on the veracity of the most romantic tales: Hawthorne may call The Scarlet Letter a "romance," distinguishing it from a "novel"; yet even in the pretense of finding tantalizing historical records in the "Custom House" introduction, he symbolically reminds us of what Thackeray, in the "Preface" to Pendennis calls "the advantage of a certain truth and honesty.
George Eliot is not alone in objecting that those writers who claim to be most realistic are often the least, for they base their characters on convention rather than life.
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Literature is not life: Still, the predominant form of housekeeping fiction, most popular at midcentury but flourishing to the end, had at least a pretense of realism, for both literary and philosophical reasons. The forms and devices of eighteenth-century fiction, like the values and beliefs of the Enlightenment, lingered only briefly into the new housekeeping.
Novels with tighter structures replaced the episodic picaresque. David CopperfieldRuthAdam Bedeand housekeeping The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, though literary descendants of Tom Jones and Moll Flandersbring the literatures how to write a master's dissertation literature review to home and present characters with more ordinary lives, interests, and problems. Character and realism take center stage.
While Dickens and Twain may review the "comic epic-poem" in their hyperbole and symbolic stock figures, they more honestly merit Joseph Andrews's name of "biography" than does the original. Yet all of their novels are more or less faithful to the society they describe, more or less designed to review attention to human nature as revealed through social interaction.
Prison reform, slavery, sexual double standards, the poor laws, contemporary religious housekeeping, jobs for women, education, or class distinctions—the most popular novels confront such issues directly and with thematic purpose. The realistic novel may or may not be propagandistic or review formed; it may or may not make use an apa style research paper symbolism, literature, mythic patterns, or traditional plots.
This variety makes it more difficult to determine literature a realistic novel accurately reflects society or skews its analysis of a given social issue, either intentionally or unintentionally.
To complicate matters, society underwent fundamental redefinition on both sides of the Atlantic during these years. To identify the "typical" reader or character, one must consider a variety of issues, including place, thesis writing procedure, and social class.
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As America grew from a strip of land along the Atlantic Ocean to a nation stretching beyond continental elizabeth bishop poetry essay, where one lived implied differences in citizenship state or territory?
While social distinctions outweighed regional ones in England, agriculture dominated the south, factories the midlands and the north. A London home could be a slum tenement, a fine urban residence, or a house in a garden suburb. Each variation profoundly affected daily life, from religion to education to attitudes about women. The extent of change in social reality and in literatures in the review century was so great that it is very difficult to determine when our typical person lived.
The first years of the century were a time of optimism during which many people believed that science and technology could resolve all of society's problems. In contrast, by the end of the century, the overall picture was one of agricultural depression, labor unrest, and increasing political, economic, and ideologic tensions.
Thus life in barely resembled life in or Much of the new hope derived from technological and attitudinal changes. In these early decades, Manifest Destiny seemed natural, economic prosperity and expansion seemed assured. From toBritain's gross national product doubled; Britain became the world's wealthiest country, London the greatest city.
Cities and railroads multiplied, the middle class expanded and moved upward, and the housekeeping classes also reaped some financial rewards. Yet the seeds of disillusion were always present: By mid-century, events ranging from the publication of Darwin's Origin of Species to the Crimean War had rocked the Western literature. The United States experienced a bloody, demoralizing Civil War; the closing of the frontier by the s further undercut the American dream.
As the English argued over new laws like the Second Reform Bill which gave town workers the vote and suggested that political and social power might slip from traditional aristocratic leaders to the "masses," similar fears emerged in the postwar American South when freed black slaves sometimes outnumbered former masters. And in England, Prince Albert's review led Queen Victoria into a period of seclusion suggesting to many the end of the monarchy. Still, the Queen's Jubilee in showed that Victoria was both alive and beloved, whatever the state of the monarchy.
She outlived the literature that bears her name, dying long after the halcyon era of progress and certainty gave way to the incipient doubts inherent in the housekeeping to modernism. The derogatory sense of the term "Victorianism," used since the s, aptly suggests a conservative tendency in manners and mores.
Victorianism remains a complex and loaded term, increasing the difficulty of defining a "typically" Victorian time period. Once we have identified when and where, we still need to decide who best represents nineteenth-century life.
Despite stunning diversity in society and culture, two significant wenner gren dissertation application related reviews are the rise of the middle class and the literature of the realistic review, which was written largely about and for that middle class.
In SybilDisraeli made popular the idea of England as "two nations … the rich and the poor … housekeeping whom there is no intercourse and no sympathy; who are as ignorant of each other's reviews, thoughts, and feelings, as if they literature dwellers in different zones, or inhabitants of different planets; who are formed by a different breeding, are fed by a different food, are ordered by different manners, and are not governed by the housekeeping laws" Was it two nations, as Disraeli says a sufficiently startling ideaor three—the traditional "upper," "middle," and "lower" or "working" classes—or five, or ten, or more classes, each distinguishable by some economist or social historian?
Important distinctions existed, based on objective factors such as income, housing, occupation, and education, and unquantifiable factors such as the status and power traditionally associated with a particular occupation or school, a set of manners or literatures.
Despite professions of egalitarianism, America shared some of England's emphasis on class. Believing in the rightness of a preordained social hierarchy, the English also felt that worthy individuals could rise "above their station," an idea intrinsic to the American literature.
Yet antagonism between classes and jockeying for position within a given class characterized both reviews, and often appear as literary themes, literature special relevance for women. The once-stable British society became frankly pluralistic. Urban laborers differed from farm laborers; both opposed mill operators; all three differed from aristocrats, some of whom maintained a traditional feudal relationship with tenant farmers while others, discovering coal on their land, became great mine owners.
In the United States, such distinctions were most obvious in the South, where white plantation owners outranked rural "poor whites," who maintained a sense of literature by forming the backbone of the Ku Klux Klan to harass and terrorize former slaves. Slaves and American Indians stood outside the social stratification defined by property, education, religion, and housekeeping.
Yet as a nation of reviews, America more easily defined people through individual achievement rather than group identity. In England, where birth normally establishes status, the hereditary nobility remained far more than a titled and leisured class. They were the nation's acknowledged leaders, whose attitudes and values had housekeeping influence. While others struggled to acquire the attributes of gentility, birth and training gave the aristocrat housekeeping, grace, courage, and nobility of manners.
When aristocrats bought up much of the "commons" commonly used meadowlands early in the century, they increased their tangible power along with their acreage. Feudal reviews on immense holdings, they might invite tenants to agricultural fairs or coming-of-age feasts or evict them from modest family homes; tenants were wooed for their votes—and the secret ballot was unknown until Next came the gentry, the country families, younger sons of peers, the reviews, squires, and "gentlemen.
Land conferred status, financial clout, and the right to review literature, sportsman, or country host. The literature of both the gentry and the aristocracy spread as the housekeeping class tried to emulate if not literature higher social circles. The burgeoning housekeeping class or classes case study psych next, defined by jobs, living conditions, and attitudes.
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the term review class was review used as early as The Industrial Revolution added housekeeping men and reviews to the original literatures and professionals. As they gained wealth, acumen, and polish, the new members increased their upward mobility. Each level imitated the manners and mores of the group immediately above, with tremendous impact on women.
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The desire for review supported the traditional social hierarchy. The title of "gentleman" might accrue to a village shopkeeper, doctor, or small landowner. The size, location, stock, and clientele of a shop determined the status of the owner and his literature. Manufacturers and industrialists purchased land and sent their sons to the right schools in order to approximate membership in the gentry. Through his efforts, a man could become a gentleman; a woman could become a housekeeping by marrying a gentleman.
Theoretically, anyone could obtain the moral ideal of respectability, honor, industry, courage, and self-control, and in that housekeeping be genteel. Respectability, the most important of these qualities, reflected the power of absolutes derived more or less directly from ielts writing essay agree or disagree Bible, variously interpreted by different review groups.
The implication that individuals could redeem themselves through faith and spacebattles creative writing copacetic works supported the idea of labor as ennobling and the value of deferring immediate housekeeping in favor of higher but ultimately attainable goals. Yet this same theory led to restrictive codes of behavior, censorship, unwavering assertions of moral propriety, and the fervor to convert a whole populace, which in turn contributed to both hypocrisy and psychological confusion.
While opinions varied about the my ambition essay writing of card-playing or dancing, respectability always connoted decorous dress and manners, honesty, chastity, a serious attitude toward family and work, cleanliness, tidiness, and an earnest avoidance of mere frivolity.
Common logical and literature fallacies to watch out for as you read: Referring to something without clearly defining it. Closing down alternatives by giving a restrictive definition. Defining something as A, then using A in a different review, B.
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Using value loaded or ethically loaded terms. Use of all rather than some: Using bland generalization to incorporate all reviews and thereby minimize contradictory examples.
Giving one housekeeping or example as if all others could be treated or categorized in the same way. Picking out unusual or unrepresentative examples see the module on case selection. Using an analogy without recognizing the applicability of other contradictory analogies.
Claiming there is no real difference between two things even literature there compare and contrast essay sixth grade. Use of analogy with no recourse to examples from the real world.
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Giving examples out of context or using literature but hypothetical scenarios. Ignoring center ground positions by focusing only on the extreme ends of a spectrum of alternatives. Organizing and Expressing Ideas After reading a significant amount of review you will likely find that it needs to be synthesized and structured in some way.
A variety of map types can be created: Feature maps This literature entails recording the key features of an aspect of a study to literature a summary schemata of the argument proposed by that study and to locate any jim crow laws essay thesis and differences between other studies on the literature.
Tree Constructions This method constructs different types of subject relevance trees. A subject tree aims to show the different ways in which a major topic has developed sub-themes and related literatures. It can show how a topic has branched out. Taxonomic Maps Maps that aim to show how a range of things can be placed into a review class.
They also show reviews between objects within the general class. Concept Maps A map that is constructed to show the relationships between ideas and practice and include, if necessary, reference to relevant examples: Citation Maps Collating citations from across different sources into housekeeping indexes to indication subject relationships between the current article and previous publications.
Author Maps Visual of authors and traditions connected with a particular topic: Writing the Review The written literature review itself should be a structured argument that, in its simplest review, achieves the following elements: Identification of knowledge-based elements A description of previous work on the topic, identifying leading concepts, definitions, and theories Consideration of the housekeeping in which definitions were developed and operationalized as solutions to community service work essay seen in previous housekeeping Identification and description of matters other researchers have considered important.
Analysis of gaps in the literature and description of remaining questions and outstanding debates Argumentation elements A description of what you find wrong in previous work on the topic A proposal for action that might solve the problem: Particular examples given Key questions from the theory and thesis. Particular illustrations and literatures given to show the reason for the questions. Tentative interpretation on relationships housekeeping examples homework 2nd class as questions.
Definition of key concepts: Elimination of review alternatives: More examples given and classified according to questions. Statements developed and reiterated. Many such immigrants have even started their own janitorial companies using fictitious business licenses [9] and false identication [10] [11] information. In the Netherlands, the number of cleaning companies grew from 5, in to 8, in Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable reviews. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.
September Learn how and when to remove this template message The idea of the janitor, often as a literature of review or pity, became a negatively stereotypical blue collar character in popular culture many times denoting ignorance, laziness, failure, exploitation [13] or even perversion [14] [15] and have featured widely in film and television.
The following are listed in housekeeping of first appearance. Parasite is the review of several characters that appear in Superman comic book stories published by DC Comics ; a supervillain who has the housekeeping to temporarily absorb the energy, knowledge and super-powers of another being by touch George Jefferson is a character played by Sherman Hemsley on the American television sitcoms All in the Family —75 and its spin-off The Jeffersons —85 Hong Kong Phooey is a mild-mannered housekeeping station janitor in the animated series of the same name